Pack life

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Time jump:

Trotting out from the woods into the opening towards the cabin. Shifting and grabbing the set of clothes placed over a rock, I greeted the wolves. The packs were fully active at the moment. Clay had decided that this place was the perfect spot to settle down. After wasting hours explaining to him that, this land was already claimed by an alpha. He went on about how Charlie and he had agreed. Instead of fighting it out, like one normally would they traded. Clay's pack is larger than Charlie's, and his old territory could not sustain them any longer. People were starting to notice certain things about them, making their small town no longer safe for them. Of course, Charlie had no issues with it, he had, had enough of the problems we were bringing to him.

So, from there on clay and the others had been working on building the packhouse. Nathan's house was in the same area, so all we did was clear some trees and make a path. Eyal and Ziva had agreed to move into the pack compound once their house was built. The rest of the pack-mates were working on building their cabins, surrounding the alpha's houses. I found this to be too much, but I was outvoted.

"Hello, darling!" Clay wave from atop of Eyal's new roof. "Molly and Ziva are at your place."

"Hey, dad." Walking into my place, I was hit with a wonderful aroma. "Oh damn, Molly's cooking again."

Ziva popped her head out from my kitchen with narrowed eyes. "How do you know it isn't me?"

I raised a brow. "We both know you can't cook to save your life."

"She is right." Eyal brushed past me, laughing at the pout his mate gave him. "I'm sorry love, but it's true."

"Eyal, where is Nathan?"

"Outside, it appears his brother is arriving sooner than we expected." Eyal's voice was muffled at his attempts to bite Ziva on the shoulder.


"Older brother." Nathan's arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me into his chest. "He wants to meet you."

I leaned back, placing my head on his shoulder. "You never told me you had a brother."

"To be honest with everything that has happened, I haven't had the time." Nathan replied. "He is the last family member I have that is blood."

"Is this a brother we get along with or one we tolerate?"

Nathan chuckled. "Ned is the brother we owe my life to." He was called over by Ty before he could explain it even more. "I will be back. Oh, the Nursery is done!"

"About time!"

"They finished both of them just before you arrived." Ziva added.

Jogging up the stairs I walked into the freshly done room. The wall across the door was painted yellow with the changing stations, storage, and items against it. The sidewall was mainly a large window with a large single chair/couch and ottoman below it. On the wall behind the door were the two cribs with a dresser in between the two cribs. The wall was painted light gray with a yellow tree and brown owls on the branches. It turned out even better than I had thought. Especially since Nathan was the one to pick it out.

"Not as bad taste as I thought he would have." Entering the kitchen once more, I was surprised at seeing Hotchner. "Um, hello?"

Hotch slowly turned towards me, giving me a slight bow. "Evening Alex."

"Not that I mind or anything, but what are you doing here?" Hotch like Eyal, had become sorts of big brothers to me. They did nothing but annoy and protect. "Shouldn't you be playing FBI agents right about now?"

"If I remember correctly you are the only one not getting paid, for playing agent." Hotch sassed back.

I growled at having no comeback to that. "What are you doing here and where is Kate?"

"I came to see you and Ziva." Hotch replied. "I heard you both are just about ready to have us meet the new pups."

Ziva grinned. "I am a few weeks out. And I think Alex should be ready a few days after."

I nodded. "Yup, I was able to keep my legs closer longer than her." I yelped at the Apple hitting me on the side of the head. "What? It's true though!"

"That may be so, but you don't need to be bragging." Ziva huffed.

"Why not?" I laughed. "I mean three dates and boom! In bed."

Hotch came around me, wrapping his arms around my neck and placing his hand over my mouth. "You may be a wolf, but I bet even that fork she's twirling around will hurt."

Glancing down at Ziva's hand, I paled at the shining silver fork. "Oh shit." Twirling around I hid behind Hotch. "I swear those are the hormones taking!"

Hotch grumbled at being used as a shield. "I did not come here to play dodge silver. So if you will excuse me, I have a meeting with Clay."

Ziva gapped at the retreating man. "I thought you came here to see us?!"

"If I had said I only came to speak to Clay, would you have given me food?" Hotch asked.

Ziva scoffed. "No."

"That's why." He took off laughing, smart enough not to stay.

Sliding in next to Ziva, I removed the now knife in her hands. "Remember you can't kill him that way."

"Wasn't planning to. Maim perhaps, but not murder." She glanced at me with a fake innocent look. "How does one kill a werewolf?"

I couldn't hold in my laughter. "Once your hormones aren't all over the place, I'll give you the 101 werewolf details."

Time jump:

Not a lot has happened in the last week. Ziva was officially on maternity leave. The pack was still on high alert due to Elijah being MIA at the moment. The packs were constantly searching the areas, looking for any signs of him or his wolves. Hotch was staying with us until we are no longer pregnant.

I guessed that Clay asked for his help. Clay was still in the process of moving his pack into their new territory. Not to mention his mate was also with pups.

Eyal was also in the process of moving into his and Ziva's newly built home. His pack was nearly finished with their cabins and the compound wall that would surround their property. Hotch and Nathan have also been helping the wolf since Eyal has been coming and going more often than usual. He was always playing it off as a work thing, but even Hotch was getting suspicious.

So in a way, I couldn't say I was surprised when I got a call from Ziva a few days later.

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