World colliding

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Waking a with a gasp Eyal took in his surrounding. This wasn't his place or his bed. Inhaling deeply he picked up on Ziva's recent scent. Glancing down at his body, he found the wound healed. His memory was still foggy at the moment. Snips of that night came to him, but he still couldn't remember the whole event.

He suddenly doubled over from the pain in his chest. "Alright, that's not normal." Clutching at his chest, he closed his eyes for a moment and took in some deep breaths. "I need to get the hell out of here. Wherever here may be." He jumped at the door being slammed open.

"Ziva!" Tony burst into the room with a frantic look. He looked worse than Eyal felt. The man had bloody shoulders and a wild look in his eyes. "You here?! Ziva!"

"Agent?" Eyal jumped from the bed, collecting the younger man in his arms. "What's the matter? Where is Ziva?"

"Eyal?" He looked up at the wolf with surprised eyes. "You're awake!"

"Aw-How long was I out for?" Shaking his head, he focused on the matter at hand. "What happened to you?"

"Ziva." He gasped as if just remembering. "She turned into a wolf!"


"She turned into a mother fucken wolf!" Tony yelled. "She's going after Elston."

"Wha-" He placed his hands on his shoulders, forcing Tony to stand still and face him. "Start from the beginning."

Taking in a deep breath, he began talking. Starting from Elston calling her, to finding out Eyla was taken, to the shifting and Ziva running off. "I thought she might have run here. She looked just as confused as I did when she changed. Alex told us a bite couldn't change someone, so-"

"I don't know." Eyal ran around the room trying to locate his clothes. "I need you to head back to the compound. Get the rest of the alphas. Elston wouldn't be stupid enough to call and not have a plan in motion."

"You saying he planned this?" Tony was already texting Gibbs to gather the others and meet him where Eyal was being held.

Slipping on a shirt, he placed his hands on the table. "Elston knew the toxin would keep me down for a while. So that meant he wasn't aiming to take me out yet. He's-" Eyal gasped. "He's going after Ned."

"Ned? Nathan's brother?" Tony frowned. "Then why not target his pack or brother? Why go for Ziva and Eyla?"

"Ned being who he is has a moral obligation of protecting us. No matter where you are, he or his pack will always come." Running a hand through his hair, he debates telling him the rest. "There is also the detail of Ziva being Ned's mate as well."


"He found out back when they worked together, but he was the stronger of us. He backed away to keep her safe, but always had an eye on her." A chuckled got past his lips. "Elston didn't realize what he just did. I assume he doesn't know about the connection between them. I take it that with me out of commission, Ned marked my pups. So there is that as well. Not only did Elston go after his packmate, but his mate. If Ziva doesn't get him, Ned will."


Ziva wasn't sure how she even got here in the first place. Straining against the chain, she yelped at the burning in her neck.

One moment she argued with Tony, the next she was a wolf. In the spur of the moment, she ran out. Both from fear and adrenaline. But at that moment the only thing that mattered was getting her daughter back.

She ran for miles following the familiar scent of Eyla. When she got to the abandoned building she failed to see the trap. In a matter of a short time, they caught her with a net and tied her to the chain. Still being new to the body of a wolf, Ziva had been unable to dodge the incoming attack. Now here she was chained, while her daughter was caged a few feet away from her.

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