Secret is out

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Derek scoffed, clearly not bothered by his words. 'Always so dramatic.'

'Says you the most dramatic of all.' Alex muttered, turning her face away as he glared at her.

'What are you doing out at this time and alone?' Derek demanded. 'Where is that so-call mate of yours? Instead of caring over you, he is-'

'Right here.' Nathan appeared from around the corner. 'I am always looking over my mate Derek.'

'Yeah, after I dealt with the problem.'

Nathan sat beside Alex, making sure everyone saw his claim. She was his and no one was allowed to touch her. 'Just because you made your big entry, doesn't mean you did anything. My pack was watching long before you arrived.'

Derek laughed. 'Is that-'

'Will you to stop with the pissing contest!' Alex snapped. She really couldn't handle all the testosterone waving off both of them. 'What are you doing here Derek?'

Derek was about to snap at her when he suddenly remembered. Alex was no longer his beta. She was mated and now alpha of her pack. 'I heard there were a few problems. Wanted to offer some assistance.'

Nathan growled. 'It's the least you can do, seeing this is partly your fault.'

'My fault?!' Derek would have laughed, had he not been offended and confused. 'How is this my fault? I wasn't the one that beat him to a pulp and killed his father.'

Alex sighed. 'Can we do this somewhere else?'

'Who in the right mind gives their blessing to the union between him and Alex!' Nathan was snarling by now. His hackle raising with each word.

'Both of you, that's enough!' Alex nudged Nathan back, not that he moved much. The emotions of both alphas were setting off their packs. Any more and there will be another war. 'Nathan, back off.'

'I didn't know what he had done to her then!' Derek snapped.

Alex froze, her head pushing against Nathan's chest. She could hear his heart drumming against his chest. 'What did he do?'


She turned around snapping her jaws inches from his face. 'What did he do?!' She knew there had to have been a reason behind their hatred towards Elston. 'Derek!'

Derek lowered his head, glaring at the cemented sidewalk. This was not how he wanted to tell her. 'Let's go somewhere less open.'

'I am not moving from here until you explain to me what he did. What was so bad, that you all turned your back to him?'

'Alex let's go talk in the woods.' Matt appeared from within Nathan's pack. Seeing her reluctant to move he sighed. 'It has to do without parents and pack.' Matt was quick to stop her outburst. 'Let's talk away from streets.'

Only then did she follow them back into the woods. They didn't walk too far in deep, just enough to get out of sight. One wolf was somewhat acceptable, but two packs was sure to draw attention.

Alex didn't wait for the rest, before asking Derek once more to explain. 'What does he have to do with my pack and parents?'

Derek took in a deep breath. There was no point in hiding it any longer. He knew she would probably kill him, but she needed to know. 'The night your pack was attacked and your parents were killed, it was all Damon and Elston.'

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