Look who is back

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Tony paced the room glancing at the door every few seconds. Eyal had picked up on a Ziva's scent and taken off after it. As much as Tony wanted to go and help, he couldn't do much with his busted shoulders. Not to mention, he still needed to wait for his team and the alphas.

"Tony?" McGee was the first to enter the room. His eyes landed on the empty bed. "He's awake."

"I am sure I put that in the text." He rolled his eyes.

"But you're still alive." McGee hummed. "How did you get out of this one?"

"We didn't get that far seeing Ziva ran off after her daughter." Tony handed a piece of paper to Gibbs. "He said to give this to Alex and the others."

Holding it out for the wolves to see, they waited for any reaction. "Well?"

'Follow his scent.' Alex took off, leaving Molly and Clay to explain what was going on. Nathan was not far from her. Ned followed closely. 'That stubborn fool.' No matter how much we tried convincing him to stay back, he refused. This trap was meant to capture him and he was willingly going towards it. 'When we get there, stay between us.'


Ziva dodged the snap of teeth aimed at her neck. In doing so she got tangled with the chain, knocking her down. 'Damn it!'

'Mom!' Eyla bit the metal bars, hoping to bend them enough to slip out. 'Mom!'

'Don't.' Ziva rolled to the side. 'You make any major move and he will go after you. Stay put!'

She watched her mother struggle to avoid the attack. The chain wasn't long enough for any large maneuvering. And all she could do was watch her try and stay alive. 'Mom.' This was all her fault. For not trusting her mother, she dragged them into this. Because of her selfish reasons, her mother was getting hurt. 'I'm sorry.'

Ziva gasped at receiving a head butt to the side of her abdomen. Falling to the ground with a heavy thud, she clawed at the ground. 'I need to get up. I need to get Eyla out of here.' As she attempted to get up a large paw landed on her shoulder.

The large brown male pushed her down, placing his mouth over her neck. 'I am going to enjoy this.'

Ziva glanced at her daughter with sad eyes. 'Look away. Do not watch.'

Eyla cried shutting her eyes tightly and turning her head to the side. 'I'm sorry.'

'It's alright.' As she closed her eyes a loud crash was heard throughout the warehouse. 'Huh?' The wolf was ripped off her and tossed across the room. Looking at the wolf standing in front of her, she let out a cry. 'Eyal.'

But the wolf was too focused on his target. 'You picked the wrong wolf to fuck with.'

Shaking himself off the male growled. 'You know it's rude to interrupt one's playtime.'

'Consider me another player.' Crouching down he prepared for the incoming attack. Just as he thought the wolf failed to protect his one weak spot. Running forward, he lowered his head and leaped. Biting down on the skin, Eyal pinned him down to the floor. 'Looks like it's game over for you.'

'Wait! Don-...' He gagged as the blood-filled his throat.

Letting the wolf drop to the ground, Eyal looked over at the white wolf. 'How?'

Ziva shrugged. 'I don't know.'

Walking over to her, he nuzzled into her neck. 'Let's get you out of here.' Shifting back he unclipped the chain letting her free, then shifting back.

'Eyla!' Ziva ran towards her daughter's cage. 'Are you okay?'

She nodded numbly. 'Y-yes.'

Eyal stared at the young pup. 'Eyla?'

'Your rebellion daughter.' Ziva growled.

Eyla lowered her head. 'I know it was stupid.'

'Oh really? Just now?' Ziva scoffed. 'Eyal can you get her out please.'

Eyal nodded. 'Turn away.' The pup frowned. 'I have to shift back to open the cage and I don't have clothes.'

'Oh.' Turning around, she waited to hear the all-clear. Stepping out of the cage she was tackled by her mother. Waiting for a nip or growl, all she got was a nuzzle to the neck. 'I am sorry, I just wanted to see dad.'

Eyal felt weird at hearing her call him dad. 'Well, I'm here now.'

'Let's get the he-Eyal look out!.' Ziva yelled at seeing a wolf coming straight for her mate.

Before the wolf could reach his target, another figure slammed into it. It sent the two crashing into some old tin. A small struggle was heard before Alex trotted out.

'Your reflexes suck.'

Eyal rolled his eyes. 'I just got out of a coma.'

'All I'm hearing are excuses.' Glancing at the two standing in front of them, her jaw dropped. 'Holy shit, Tony was not fucking around.'

'Language!' Ziva snapped.

Alex chucked. 'Please when Ned is done with them, my bulgar words wouldn't matter.'

'Where are the others?' Eyal asked.

'Nathan is just outside waiting for us. Some of the pack is scouting the area. And Ned, well let's just hurry up before he kills the one holding him back.' Alex knew she was going to have to pay for tricking him, but Nathan and she were not about to risk his life. 'Let's get going, I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see you.'

Running out of the warehouse they crossed the street completely ignoring the traffic jam we caused. Many of the cars hit their breaks to avoid hitting them. Others honked as they ran across them.

Looking over her shoulder she spotted Eyla slowing down. 'Eyal.'

Glancing behind him, he slowed his pace to match hers. 'Come on, you need to keep up.'

'My paw.' She whimpered.

Eyal growled at having failed to see her bloody paw. At this age their healing hadn't kicked in yet, leaving them vulnerable to cuts and hunters. Looked her up and down, and he noticed she wasn't too tall. 'Stop.'


'Stop for a moment.' Crawling under her, he positioned her just above his back. Standing up he picked her up with him. 'Bite down on my scruff.' Once he felt her do so, he took off after the others once more. 'Hang on.'

Alex chuckled nudging Nathan. 'How come you never pick me up like that?'

'You looking to break my back?' He kept a straight face as he spoke those words.

Alex growled snapping at his feet. 'You're sleeping outside.'

'Stop with the fooling around and push it.' Ned growled. 'We aren't in the clear yet.'

'Still mad about earlier?' Alex asked.

Ned sighed. 'No, I realize the reason.' He felt someone nuzzling into his side. Looking down he was met with bright red eyes. 'Ziva?'

'Thank you.' She whispered. 'To all of you for coming for us.'

'Please I was going to leave your ass back there, but I was threatened with horrible bodily harm from Ned, so here we are.' Alex grinned. 'But Seriously, we wouldn't never not come looking for you.'

'Thank you.'

Pushing to the front Alex let out a howl. 'Let's go! I can not wait for the look on everyone's face when they see you!'

'This should be interesting.' Ziva glanced at her mate and daughter. 'But for whatever reason this happened, it was worth it to have them back in my life.'

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