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Gibbs has ordered Tim to bring back Tony and Ziva after a while. Leaning back in his chair, he exhaled deeply. He didn't know what had gotten into him. Lately, everything she did would set him off. It wasn't the first time she had ran around the office or the first time she had knocked his coffee over. So why did it bother him so much this time? Since she had run off, he had been "bugged" by it. He couldn't really explain it, but it...hurt him? Was that even the correct word? He was hurt by her running off. He knew this was ridiculous behavior from a grown man. And he also knew he had just made it worse, by sending her to the kennel. In the while he has come to known the wolf, he knew one thing. Luna did not forgive easily.


Gibbs looked up to see his team standing in front of his desk. He hadn't even heard them walk back in. "Yeah, get your gear we have a case."

As they walked down to the vehicles, Gibbs stopped halfway into his car. Glancing towards the kennel he spotted Luna staring at him with wide eyes. Instead of doing what he knew he should have, he jumped into his car and drove off.

Alex watched him drive off. He looked at her and still he drove away. 'What the actual fuck!' She hadn't thought it would be possible to become even angrier, but Alex could feel her blood boiling. 'Had I stayed with Elijah, I wouldn't be in here. I wouldn't be dealing with a good for anything mate!' Spinning around She took to laying down on the ground. 'I wonder what Elijah is doing now? One thing for sure is he can not find out about this.'

By the time they pulled back into the garage, it was well past 11 pm. In that time she had, had enough time to focus on her anger.

You see wolves are loyal and protective, but they are also easily triggered and aggressive. Let's say you lock one in a kennel and leave her there for hours, the wolf will become antsy and irritated. That feeling will lead to aggression and even attacks. Werewolves are ten times worse. Mix in the emotions of a human and wild animal, you have a timing bomb. And right now that bomb was waiting to be let out.

Alex didn't know what was happening to her. The moment they pulled into the garage, she suddenly became full of rage. Their smell was like a red flag. It was screaming danger. In lack of better terms, she had lost control of her wolf side.

Ziva sighed, closing the car door behind her. The case was a simple open and shut. To their surprise, the killer was still in the house by the time they got there. Hearing the others climb out of their cars, Ziva glanced towards the kennel to see the water dish spilled. "Tony, help me with the water."

"I got it." Gibbs said, making his way over.

She tried to reel back in the animal as Gibbs got closer. 'Deep breaths, deep breaths.' But the moment, Gibbs unlatched the lock, she lunged herself against the fence door with a loud snarl.

"Gibbs!" Tony yelped, rushing over to help push back the door. Even with two full-grown men, they struggled to push her back. "Holy shit, she is strong. Ziva the hose!"

It was as if his once calming scent was driving her insane. 'You think I was going to simply forget this!' Alex noticed Ziva approach from the corner of her eye, but she was so bent on getting ahold of Gibbs, that she didn't bother with her. Just as Alex was about to break loose, a strong current of water hit her right on the side. 'Got dammit!' Falling to the ground, Alex growled at hearing the door being locked.

"What the hell happened?" Ziva asked.

Tony leaned down, placing his hands on his knees. "I don't know, but she just went full Cujo."

Gibbs took in deep breaths, not once taking his eyes off the tired wolf. "I don't want her out of that kennel am I understood!" One last look towards her and he stormed away.

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