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⚠️Warning ⚠️ This is a smut chapter!

Next day:

Alex had taken to doing nothing the entire day. She had woken up in the afternoon, only to see Nathan was gone. He did leave a note on the nightstand for her, along with some orange juice and breakfast. Grabbing the note, she smiled at the neat handwriting.

I have a pack meeting with the alphas. Should be done by 6 pm. Be ready to go out by then.

Alex suddenly began to get butterflies in her stomach once more. So, she decided to busy herself until the time. Was it weird they had it all planned out? This was something that just happened right? Something you wanted to do. So why did it feel so planned? Okay, she needed to stop overthinking this and just relax.

With Nathan:

Nathan dashed through the woods, leaping over thin winding creaks and the slippery rocks. He dodged and zipped past rotting oak trees and under lowered and snapped branches. Everything blurred into a dizzying blend of earthly colors. The earth was wet and moist under his paws. He jumped into a muddy brook, swollen by the recent rains, soaking up his paws and legs. The woods began to widen and thin layers of fallen pine needles and sentinels disguised the perilous and rocky terrain. He ran beside the twisted creek which mirrored the deep green of the trees. Nathan leaped over a fallen pine tree, which had damned the flow. He opened his to the mouth of the treetops and listened to the trees, as they came to life.

Reaching a rather large section of the river, he stopped at the edge. Tossing his head back, he released a low howl. Two wolves appeared on the opposite side of the river, taking a stand on the edge.

'Hotchner. Eyal.' Nathan greeted. 'You called for a meeting. Here I am.'

'I did.' Eyal replied. 'We have a problem.'

'And it so happens it was your doing.' Hotchner growled, baring his teeth at the alpha.

Nathan frowned. 'What are you talking about?'

'Your little altercation with Elston.' Hotch snapped.

'Aaron.' Eyal gave him a small warning. When it came to ranking Hotchner was the youngest of the three, therefore the lowest ranking alpha between them. That didn't mean anything to anyone outside the three of them, he was still to be respected. 'Elston is the son of Damon.'

Nathan growled at hearing the name. 'And that is the wolf that Derek was going to let Alex mate with!' Damon has been a thorn in their side since before they all became alphas.

'Calm yourself, Nathan.' Eyal sighed. 'Listen the issue isn't that you nearly killed Elston or that you fought for your mate. It's that we have a pack coming this way.'

'Damon was not going to let go that his son lost the chance of uniting the packs.' Hotch added. 'Much less to one of us.'

Nathan shook his head. This couldn't be happening, not now. 'How much time do we have before they get here?'

'Just enough to get our packs ready, give or take two days.' Hoth said. 'My pack is on their way here as we speak.'

'Mine is already on standby.' Eyal added.

Nathan nodded. 'Ty and the others are nearby; they can be here in a few hours.'

Upon agreeing on meeting the next day with the packs, they each went their way. Eyal trotted back to where he had parked his vehicle, shifting back and grabbing the change of clothes in his trunk. Grabbing his phone, he noticed a missed call from Ziva.

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