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For the past three days, the team hadn't gotten a new case. Just small easy open and shut cases. Well, this last one got her a bullet in the back leg. Not much damage, but Gibbs and the others didn't know she was healed. So that meant over-the-wall care and no excessive work. When in the office, Alex stayed glued to Gibbs's side. She wasn't sure why, but she had this huge urge to be by him. When at Ziva's place, she would wander off with Nathan. Eyal was spending more and more time at Ziva's place. She wouldn't be surprised if he moved in already. Nathan and the other alphas were still on alert for Elston. They knew he wasn't going to simply give up on avenging his father's death. The packs were standing guard around the clock. Without the team knowing, they always had shadows following them around. Seeing Ziva walk into the bullpen, she frowned at how pale she looked. In fact, she hadn't been looking too good since yesterday. Standing from her corner, she trotted into the kitchen area.

Gibbs was currently grabbing a coffee. "I am not giving you any more coffee, you already had two cups."

Alex chuckled. 'But you didn't see the last two Tony gave me.' Grabbing him by the sleeves, she tugged him towards the fridge. 'Open it.'

Gibbs pulled the door open for her. "What?"

'I need.' She stuck her nose into the fridge, pushing items out the way. 'Found it!' Grabbing the bottle, she backed away. 'Close it.'

"What are you doing with that?" Gibbs chuckled, following her into the bullpen.

Alex trotted over to Ziva, placing the bottle of juice on her desk. 'Drink this, it will help with whatever you have going on.'

Ziva was startled by the sudden appearance of the bottle. Grabbing it she glanced at Alex, to Gibbs, to the bottle and back. "You gave it to her."

Gibbs shook his head. "No, she grabbed it herself and brought it."

Taking a gulp, she pulled Alex into a tight hug. "Thank you, I needed that."

Content with that, she crawled back under Gibbs desk. Gibbs had actually placed a large dog bed under there for her. Just as she was about to get some shut-eye, Gibbs phone rings.

"Gear up, dead marine in an alley." Gibbs ordered, grabbing his gun and badge. "Luna stay."

Alex groaned, falling back into the dog bed. 'I swear getting shot, even when healed sucks.'

The team came back after a few hours. Gibbs headed down to Ducky's, while the team got to work with who knows what. Well, Ziva and Tim got to work, Tony was rambling about something Gibbs.

"So many questions." Tony spun Gibbs's chair around. "My mind spinning with questions. I mean, have you ever thought about it? He actually came from somewhere. He didn't just appear, you know. He didn't just start Gibbs. He was a boy. And then he grew."

'Okay, should I be worried Tony thinks so much of Gibbs?' Alex chuckled. 'Because I have enough with Lisa, I really don't need to add DiNozzo to the list.'

"I thought he was molded from clay, had life breathed into him by a group of mystics." Ziva said.

Tim frowned. "That's funny, I thought he fell to earth in a capsule after his home planet exploded."

Ziva laughed, waving her hand in front of them. "No, he has burst-forth full-grown from the mind of Zeus."

"Nice." Tim gasped.

Tony leaned forward, pinning them with a serious look. "He is the avatar of Vishnu. He was sent to be the left hand of Yahweh." Both Ziva and Tim glanced at him with smirks. "He was grown in a cabbage patch. I'm trying to pose a serious metaphysical question here. You want to be clever? I can be clever."

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