Bleeding wolf

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"You want to do the marking when?" Nathan had listened to both Ned and Alex's concerns.

"Not after we speak with the girls." Alex replied. "It's going to be an emotional hit for them when it is done and I want to make sure the understand."

"Have you two spoken to Eyal about this?" Nathan asked. "The man can barely be in the same room as his daughters. Marking might not be the right move here."

"They have bared my mark for too long Nathan." Ned exhaled deeply. "The longer we wait the more painful the bond breaking will be."

"Alright. Alright." Running his hand through his hair, he took in a deep breath. "Get Eyal here. Talk to him, while Alex and I talk to the girls."

Ned nodded with a grumble. "Sure leave me with the stubborn part of the deal."

Alex scoffed. "Have you met his daughters?"


Eyal sat on the couch with his head leaned back. He felt like shit having walked away from his family like that. But he felt odd being around his pups. He missed so much of their life. And it wasn't just them, his pack was different as well. They weren't themselves either. It was as if the spark that made them, them was gone.

He needed to think of a way to get close to his pups. Show them who he truly was. They had some aspect he suppose, considering Eyla tried looking for him.

"Alpha Lavine."

Raising his head he motioned for the she-wolf to enter. "What is it Ymir?"

"The pack is restless alpha." She kneeled on the other side of the table between them. "They are restless and it's getting harder to keep them at bay."

Eyal frowned. "At bay from what?"

"From what?" Ymir mimic his facial expression. "From tearing that human apart. The same one that nearly killed you."

Eyal had completely forgotten about that minor detail. "Tony is off limits Ymir. What happened wasn't his fault."

"Wasn't his fault?!" She jumped to her feet, glaring down at her alpha. "He put not one, but multiple laced bullets in you. He put you on your death bed. And you want us to simply co-live with him!"

"Watch your tone Ymir." Eyal growled. "I have my reasons."

"Then tell us!" She yelled. "You have had us far from home for over a year now! Living with other packs. Living with humans! We are not your pets Eyal, we are your pack. And we are falling apart!"

"The pack is fine." Eyal was suddenly tired. "It seems you are the one with the issue."

"The pack is not fine." What the hell was wrong with him? "I wouldn't be here if they were. I have felt with them since your attack! I have carried the burden! We have had losses in the time you were gone! And not once have you checked on them! For fuck sake you are putting humans ahead of your own kind! You are asking us to live with the same one that attacked you!"

"That's enough Ymir!" Eyal jumped up, towering over the she-wolf. "I gave you an order. Tony is off limits. The humans are off-limits. Any harm comes to them by any of you, the punishment will be death."

Ymir gapped at the alpha. "Very well." Falling to her knee, she removed the necklace she carried. It was the logo of her pack and the one thing that identified her as a warrior. "As of this moment, I am no longer your protector. Nor am I a member of your pack Alpha Lavine. I am aware I am in your debt for failing to protect the alpha family, and I will not do anything until it's been lifted. But I no longer see you as my alpha."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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