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Elston gasped as he was released. He laid on the ground, his chest rising up and down with heavy pants. Not daring to move, Nathan backed away.

Nathan moved away from Elston, taking all, but three steps before falling to the ground from exhaustion. 'Matt take him inside. Make sure the pack medic attends to him.'

Alex was by his side in seconds, running her fingers through his fur soothing him down. She watched as Matt picked Elston up and took him back into the cabin. She wanted to go to him. Make sure he wasn't too badly hurt. But, had she run to him instead of Nathan, he would have been killed. Nathan still saw him as a threat and will continue to until they were mated. He was risking a lot, by letting him live. She didn't want to jeopardize Elston anymore.

'Told you I would be fine.'

Alex rolled her eyes. "Says the bloody wolf." As her hand ran down from his neck to his side, she felt a moist feeling. Pulling her hand away, she cringed at the dark red blood dripping from her finger. "You're still bleeding a lot." Laying his head on her lap, she conducted a quick check of his body. He had a large gash on his neck, bites, and scratches on his belly and side. The second largest one was on his abdomen. Most likely from where Elston kicked him off. "We need to get you home so I can clean you up."

'Can you grab my clothes please?' Nathan shook himself, attempting to remove most of the blood and grime he could. Of course, he just ended up hurting himself.

"Can you not do that!" Alex growled, grabbing his clothes from the ground. "You will just end up hurting yourself even more!"

Nathan bit back his chuckle. "Of course love, although I really need a shower."

Alex couldn't believe this man. Not 5 minutes ago, he was tearing into the neck of another wolf. Now he was wanting a shower. "You men are relentless." She patted his blazer pockets, frowning at not finding what she needed. "Car keys?"

'I left them in my car. It's just at the end of the driveway.'

Alex walked beside him, keeping a slow pace. He tried to play it off, but Elston had done some damage. Reaching the car, she opened the back door for him. Once he was settled in, Alex climbed into the driver's side. The entire ride Nathan slept, most likely trying to regain the energy he lost.

Humans have the wrong idea when it came to our 'powers'. Yes, we were stronger than a human. Our sight, scene of smell, and taste were sharper. We were faster and had higher stamina. We felt things on a higher level, both emotionally and physically. We were weakened by two things only, electricity and wolfsbane. As for the healing? Yes, we did heal at a much faster rate, depending on the extent of the damage and what caused it. Nathan's was done by another wolf, so he should be healed by tomorrow morning. Had it been wolfsbane he'd be out for at least a week, if it didn't get into his heart first. But we were like everyone else. We got tired. We got hurt. We bleed.

Arriving at his place, she was surprised to see someone standing on the steps. He was tall, ruggedly good looking with black hair. "Who are you?" Alex made sure to stand by Nathan's door. She wasn't about to let anyone harm him anymore. "Answer me!"

The man laughed. "Not yet mated and already protective." He took a few steps, only to stop at the warning growl he got. He raised his hands, showing the mad she-wolf he wasn't a treat. He really wasn't in the mood of getting mauled today. "It's me ty."

Alex stopped, tilting her head to the side. "Ty?"

"Yeah, the one you saved from the bullet." He slowly dropped his hands, feeling he was no longer in danger. "The handsome golden wolf." 

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