New life. New me.

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A/N: This is really just a fill. New cases starting soon, which means old enemies and new threats.

The next morning, I was awoken by the sound of a knocking on the door. Walking towards the door, I lower my nose to the floor and took a sniff. 'Dear god! One day, just one day!' Ignoring the continuing knock, I took a leap onto the couch. Gibbs stumbled out from his room, hair misplaced and half asleep. The moment he opens the door Lisa lunged at him. Her hands wrapped around his neck and lavished him with kisses. I was so close to throwing up at the moment. Just as I was about to jump off the couch, a large fluff ball slammed into me, knocking me onto my side. 'What the hell?!' Reacting on solely my instinct of survival, I jumped to my feet, grabbing the animal by the scuffs of his neck and pull him down. He cried out, laying stiff on his side. I did a quick readjustment, biting harder on the mutt's neck.

"Luna!" Gibbs yelled, breaking free of Lisa and running towards me.

"She's killing him!" Lisa screeched. "Get her off!"

"Let go! Luna!" Gibbs grabbed the collar, pulling me off him. "Stop!"

Before I knew what had happened I was tossed out into the backyard. Managing to stand back on my feet, I walked towards the closed door, panting heavily. Gibbs had the mutt in his arms, checking him over. 'I didn't even break the skin'. Lisa was sobbing over the animal as if he was dying. Seeing the look Lisa tossed me, I bared my teeth, before running off into the woods. I needed to get away.

With Gibbs:

"What the hell is wrong with that animal!" Lisa yelled, holding the dog close to her. "She nearly killed him!"

Gibbs sighed, dropping onto the couch. "She was startled, Lisa. Luna is a wolf. A wild animal. Not some pet dog. Why did you bring him here?"

"It was a gift for you." Lisa mumbled. "I know Luna belongs to NCIS. She is just a weapon, so I thought a puppy of your own would be good." She handed him the dog over. "His name is Lobo, a malamute."

Gibbs smiled, ruffing the pup's fur over. "He is nice Lisa, but with Luna here I can't take in another dog."

"Come on Gibbs, she is a member of your team right?" Gibbs nodded. "Then have one of your teammates take her in. I know dogs Gibbs and that animal is becoming dangerously possessive of you."

"She is not."

Lisa scoffed. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say she sees you as her mate."

Gibbs laughed, lowering the pup to the ground. He watched him curl up into Luna's bed. "That is ridiculous Lisa. Luna is a wolf, a pack animal. She simply sees us as her pack mates. But this attack was not her fault, she was taken by surprise. I've told you she does not have a good history with dogs."

"Look the dog stays." Lisa sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Just for a few days while I find him a new home. I rescued him from the shelter, I can't return him."

Gibbs sighed, giving in with defeat. "And what do you suggest I do with Luna?"

"She can camp outside or have her stay with one of your teammates." She was quick to kiss him, stopping him from protesting. "Just for a few days Jethro, nothing long term."

With luna:  

I trotted into the woods, trying to think in anything but Gibbs and Lisa. Before I knew it, I was at the edge of the woods, facing a large cabin. I knew this was Elston's home, his scent was all over the damn place. Walking closer I glanced up to find him standing on the porch...shirtless. 'Hellooo sexy!'


I stopped gapping up at him. 'Crap.'

'I take it I wasn't supposed to hear that.' Elston chuckled, taking a step to the right. 'Come on in.'

With a small yap, I trotted up the steps and into the home. The cabin was built with logs, giving it that wild scent we all loved. It had an old rustic look. It took me back to my childhood home, to the time I was happy. Walking into the living room, I trotted over to the couch and jumped up.

Elston walked back in, taking a seat beside me. 'So what happened?'


'Really?' He chuckled. 'So you running aimlessly into the woods and ending up here was nothing?' I nodded. 'What did he do?'

I sighed. 'It wasn't him per-say. His girlfriend showed up with a dog. I was startled by the sudden mutt, attacked him and Gibbs threw me out into the back yard.' A small growl slipped. 'I am not a pet!'

Elston leaned forward, placing his cup of whiskey on the redwood coffee table, and pulled me into his lap. My head laid on his thigh, as his hands massaged my neck. 'You were never a pet Alex and never will be. I know this must be hard. First the silver. Then meeting your mate and now his girlfriend, but you have me to help you move on alright. Anything you need.'

'I need to be human again.' I hummed softly. His fingers were digging wonderfully into my fur. Small shivers running down my spine, causing me to moan. 'That feels amazing.'

Elston let out a shaky breath. 'Alex, try to refrain from moaning please.'

I couldn't help but laugh. 'Sorry, but your fingers feel incredible.' Feeling his fingers rake over my head, down my neck and back, I allowed my tongue to hang out. Moving to lay on my side, I placed one paw on his leg. 'Do anything today?'

Elston hummed, leaning his back and closing his bright green eyes. 'Nothing. Patrolled the area. Ran some errands and got a run-in.' He popped open one eye, glancing down at me. 'Do you know a certain midnight black wolf?'

I paused for a moment. 'Uhhh...'

'I will take that as a yes.' A small growl slipped from Elston, his fingers digging hard into my skin. 'You might want to tell him, to stay clear of this side of the woods.'

That got my attention. 'Elston, where is your shirt?'


'Why are you shirtless?' I could hear his heartbeat pick up, if just for a sec. 'You of all people live in a suit. You never not wear one, not even for a lazy Sunday.'

'I may or may not have bumped into a certain black alpha wolf, during my patrol.' Elston chuckled. 'He actually had the audacity to try and attack me.'

'You didn't kill him did you?'

'I may be a wolf babe, but not a killer.' Elston growled. 'Although, I may have ruffled him up a tad bit love.'

'Elston!' I couldn't help, but laugh. 'Anyways, answer me something that has been bugging me for days now. Why Elston?'

'New city, new life, new name.'

I shrugged. 'I actually liked Elijah better.'

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