Damn dog!

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They arrived at a pretty house, but she knew something was off. She followed Gibbs out of the truck, taking a sniff of the air, trying to detect anything. Tony, Ziva, and Gibbs took the front while McGee went around back, not wanting to leave McGee alone she nudged Gibbs on the leg. Whimpering in the direction McGee went Gibbs got the hint and gave her a nod.

"McGee statues." Gibbs asked through the comms.

McGee walked through the back yard gun drawn and raised. "In position boss, back doors open."

Gibbs looked at his agents before banging on the door. "Kyle Hanson NCIS! Open up we have a warrant!" No response, then the sound of breaking glass was heard. Gibbs stepped to the side drawing his weapon as Tony kicked the door down, giving the agent's access to the main house.

Alex sniffed the air once more, becoming stiffed at the sound of glass shattering, she took the position ready to attack anything. She scrunched her nose at the smell of something acid and...sweet? When suddenly something jumps out the open door and onto McGee. Both bodies falling to the ground and that's when she's able to see it's a dog.

Hearing the groans of pain coming from McGee she quickly tackles the animal off him causing both her and the dog to roll onto the dirt. Teeth snapping, blood dripping, and occasional whimpers had McGee stunned. Making the mistake of taking her eyes off the enemy, he was able to grab her neck tearing into it. Alex yelped at the blinding pain.

Inside the house, Gibbs and Dinozzo cleared the house searching for any intruders, but all they found was their dead suspect.

Holstering their weapons Dinozzo scoffed. "We have got to stop serving warrants after breakfast." He then turned to Ziva. "10 bucks Mcgeek spills in on this one."

That had Ziva looking around. "Where is McGee?"

Gibbs frowned. "McGee?" No response came from the com. "McGee talk to me!"

Suddenly the sound of a gunshot was heard, sharing a look of fear, they raced towards the back. Once outside they were stunned at the sight in front of them. McGee sat on the ground his gun still raised and smoke coming out the barrel, his left shoulder and arm dripping blood. Looking to the left Gibbs felt the air knocked out of him, both dogs lay on the ground neither moving the wolf underneath the GSD.

Alex winced at any movement she made and having to push a 65-pound dog off was going to be hell. None the less she pushed herself just to realize the team was all there 'So much for my first case.' She slowly and painfully made her way to McGee, eyeing his arm before licking it trying to clean it out. McGee wiped the blood off her muzzle not that it came off, but it's the thought that counts.

Gibbs sigh, he wondered why it affected him so much the thought of her being hurt. "Dinozzo call it in." Gibbs walked towards McGee.

"On it boss."

"What happen McGee?" Gibbs asked, Alex smiled inwardly she can hear the concern in his voice.

"I was covering the back when the dog jumped out. Luna attacked him off me. They fought for a bit and once I got a clear shot I took it." Tim explained watching as Ziva kneeled next to the bloody GSD. "Boss she needs to be checked." Tim said motioning towards Alex.

Alex was making her way slowly to the fallen dog; she wanted to be close in case he decided to attack again. She was startled when a hand landed on her back, making her yelp both in surprise and pain at the sudden jump.

"Easy, easy." Gibbs said running his hand gently over her back. "Let's check you over."

Alex whimpered 'It's nothing a little bourbon and pain killer can't heal.' Gibbs's hands ran over her body stopping on her neck, Alex watched his eyebrows knit into a frown. Gibbs pulled his fingers back at the sudden feel of wetness, looking closer at her neck he noticed she had a gash 'Okay maybe some bandage might help'.

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