Letting go

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After a while, I decided it was time to head back. As I was walking back to Ziva's apartment, Matt's promise kept turning in my head. I wasn't in a rush to mate, but I didn't want to suffer either. From what Elston told me, the second day of my heat would be brutal. But what had me worried was Matt's reaction. He didn't even act this way hearing about Gibbs, so what was the issue? What had happened between him and Elston? From what I recall, they haven't seen each other in years.

'Maybe I should ask Elston.'

'What you should be focusing on right now, is hiding your scent.'

I jumped around, baring my teeth at the sudden voice. 'Who was that?!'

'Are you ever not angry?' Hotchner broke from the tree line, trotting towards me. 'It's not very attractive.'

'The last thing I want is to be attractive to you.'

Hotch chuckled, sitting down about three feet from me. 'Did I do something to make you dislike me so much? I don't recall saying anything to you offensive.'

I stopped myself from responding, he was right. The man hasn't done anything to me, and I in return have been nothing, but a bitch to him. Had my alpha seen or heard me, I'd be getting a lovely reprimand right now. 'Forgive me, I haven't been in the best mood these past months.'

'And you're going into heat.' Like Matt, he moved to sit away from my scent. 'I mean no disrespect, but I rather not have the temptation.'

'Temptation? But aren't you mated?'

Hotch nodded. 'Yes.'

'How can you be tempted if you have a mate?' I was really getting confused by all of this. 'I thought being with your mate is all you would want and need.'

'It is. I love Kate and would give my life for her. But we are still animals in a way.' Seeing my confusion, he chuckled. 'Yes, mates are rare and precious when you find them. But that doesn't tame the animal in us. Your scent still drives us crazy with lust. No matter if we are mated or not. Of course, a mated male, if truly with their mates, would never betray them. I simply moved to avoid any issues in a way.'

Now that made scenes. 'How were-are you able to communicate with me? That's only reserved for packmates.'

'You don't go out much do you?'

'How am I suppose to?' Between the office and the house changing, I haven't had time to myself.

Hotch sighed, with a slight shake of his head. 'You are your own person. Now from what Matt told me, you have found your mate.'

'Yes, it happens to be Gibbs.'


I cocked a brow. 'Aren't you mated to a human?' That earned me another chuckle.

'Yeah, I am. Kate is human.' Hotch got a little sparkle in his eyes as he spoke of her. 'But I got lucky with her. She accepted me and my pack. In fact, she is the alpha female of our pack. If they really love you, they will accept you and all your shedding.'

'Have you met Gibbs?' I scoffed. 'For crying out loud the man didn't even flinch when he saw you. And until now he nor the others have said anything.' Not even Tony and I had bet he would be the most talkative one. 'Is that even normal? Should I be worried?'

'When something as shocking as that is revealed, you must let things take their course.' Hotch said. 'I have seen many take it in different ways. Some will accept it with no issues. Others will need space and time. Some have even gone to the point of insanity. But I have a feeling, their true reaction will come when you reveal yourself to them.'

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