Then there were two

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Alex sighed, placing her paws over her face. 'She is still in training.'

Nathan laughed. 'How's that going?'

'We are making progress.'

'Will you two shut up, I am trying to-'

"I'm pregnant?" Ziva pointed at herself. "How am I pregnant?"

'I am not giving her the birds and bees talk.' Alex grumbled, moving to lay beside Nathan.

Eyal raised a hand, trying to calm her down. "Neshama, I am a wolf."

"Yes, I know."

"I can hear things many can't."

Ziva gave him a 'so' sort of look.

'You might want to hurry up and spill it out Eyal.' Nathan whispered. 'She looks about ready to kill you with that pen.'

Alex looked up to see Ziva twirling a pen in her fingers. 'Oh, yeah. I'd get ready to duck.'

Eyal growled, grabbing the pillow near him and tossing it at the wolves. "Ziva, I can hear the heart beat."

"Th-" She stopped mid-sentence, gaping at him. Her eyes were wide in shock. "Heart beat?"

Eyal nodded. "Yeah."

"I-I'm pregnant?" Her hands wrapped around her stomach. "I am going to be a mother!" A huge grin spread across her face. "I am-" The grinned dropped to a look of amazement and worry. "Is the baby going to be a wolf?"

'Yes.' Nathan said.

Eyal tossed him a warning look. "I don't know Neshama. There is a 50/50 chance the child can be either human or wolf."

Nathan shook his head. 'Listen to the heart beat Eyal. That is a wolf's heart.'

Giving Eyal a look, he turned back to Ziva. "Neshama, would you mind if I shift for a moment." Ziva shrugged, giving him the clear. In a blink of an eye, a large timber wolf stood where Eyal once stood.

'I just realized it's not fair.' Alex mumbled.

'What isn't fair?' Nathan asked.

'Why are you and Eyal so much taller than me!' Alex whined.

Nathan rolled his eyes, laying his head over her neck. 'For many reasons love. To protect you. Keep you warm at night. To look more appealing to you.' Nibbling her ear, he glanced over at Eyal and Ziva. 'Eyal is just a fat-ass.'

'Bite me mutt.' Eyal snapped. 'Now, shut up so I can explain to my mate what is happening inside her at the moment.' Jumping up on the couch, he laid his head on her lap, pressing his eat against her stomach. Listening for a moment, he slowly pulled away. 'Alex, I thought you said you heard a heart beat.'

Alex frowned. 'Yes.'

'There isn't one.' Eyal spoke. 'There are two.'

Alex stared at the wolf in surprise. 'Two?! Are you sure?'

'Yes.' Jumping off the couch, he trotted into the room. Eyal came back out a few moments later shifted and wearing nothing, but a pair of grey sweats. "I was able to hear their heat beats."

"So, I am pregnant." Ziva scoffed/laughed. "At least now I don't have to go buy a-di-did you say their heart beats? As in more than one?" Eyal nodded. "How many?"


"Two." Ziva repeated. "Two babies?"


Ziva held up two fingers. "Two possible wolf babies."

"Two possible normal babies."

'They will be normal, no matter what they are.' Alex growled.

Eyal sighed. 'Human normal.'

"Eyal! It's still two!" Ziva yelped. "How-two-how am I supposed to-" She took in a deep breath. "What am I to expect in having two possible wolf children."

"Nothing too out of the ordinary." Eyal said.

Ziva exhaled in relief. "Thank go-"

"Until they hit the age of 5."

"D-" Running a hand down her face, she glared up at her lover. "You really need to stop talking in phases."


"What do you mean age 5?" Ziva asked.

Eyal moved to take a seat beside her. "We will not know if the children are wolves until the age of 5. wolves normally have their pups shifted, causing the pups to be born as actual wolves. They age quicker than your human child. By the time they are a year old, they are able to shift. As humans, they will be around the age of 3-4 years old. Seeing as how you are human; the pups will be born in their human bodies. Causing the process to be backward. If they are wolves, they will be able to shift at the age of 5."

"How long is the pregnancy?"

Eyal scratched the back of his neck, giving her a sheepy look. "Since the pup does carry wolf blood, it will be about 4 and a half months."

"Fou-Eyal I am at least a month now." Ziva began to panic. "What am I going to tell the team?"

"Why would they need to know?"

Alex chuckled. 'Right because seeing a 5-year-old turn into a wolf wouldn't shock anyone.'

'Or a 4-and-a-half-month pregnancy would be suspicious at all.' Nathan added.

'I will make you sleep outside.' Eyal growled.

"They are my team and I am hoping that 6 years from now, they are still in my life." Ziva replied. "They need to know."

Eyal sighed. "Ziva we can't go around letting everyone know what we are. It's bad enough they know about Hotchner."

"And they haven't said anything about it." Ziva pointed out. "That proofs something."

Alex knew why he was being so defensive about this. And she couldn't blame him either. The majority of the time bad things would happen when we spoke of our true selves. Alex herself still had her doubts about telling the team, when the time came. Eyal, from what Nathan has told her, has been burned one too many times.

"Neshama let's tell them about the pregnancy first." Eyal stated. "Then we can tell them the rest." He stopped her before she could speak. "Please, understand my side to all of this. Every time someone has found out what I or my pack is, we have been hunted down. I have lost too many packmates. I will not risk them and I sure as hell will not risk you or our pups. Just give me time. That's all I ask for. Time to brief my pack." Ziva leaned over to him, pulling him into a kiss.

Nathan groaned, hiding his face in Alex's neck. 'Get a damn room.'

'Those two are worse than teenage wolves.' Alex grumbled.

Eyal growled, pulled her into his lap. 'I can still put you outside.'

"Okay." Ziva whispered. "We will do it your way."

"Thank you Neshama."

"Always Ahawa."

Alex jumped off the couch, trotting out to the emergency exit. 'I rather sleep outside, than see this.'

'Right behind you.' Nathan followed suit, jumping out the window. Just before he laid down, his ears twitched. 'Eyal?'


'We got company.'

Eyal growled. "Neshama, I need to leave. I will be back in the morning."

Nathan and Eyal took off running back into the woods, chasing who knows what. Alex stood watched, making sure no one dared come near her or Ziva. After not being able to hear them anymore, she walked back into the apartment. That night she spent it with Ziva, laying at the foot of the bed. Her eyes never leaving the door. No one would step foot into this room.

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