A surprise

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From here on, it will most likely be a third POV. Having a hard time writing this in the first POV. Anyway, enjoy.

"Your claim?" Alex was suddenly feeling like a piece of meat being claimed by the highest biter.

"Don't take it the wrong way love." Nathan quickly reassured her. "This is just to announce you are spoken for. Preventing other unmated wolves from courting you or attempting to mate with you."

Matt suddenly appeared beside his sister, pulling her towards him. "This isn't over." Matt tugged Alex behind him, leading them back into the woods. "Fucken alphas, think they can just take whatever they want. There are fucken rules!"

Alex couldn't help, but chuckle as he mumbled angrily. Glancing over her shoulder, she waved bye to Nathan. He leaned over the balcony, with that stupidly handsome smirk of his. 'I am so screwed.'

'Not just yet, but soon.'

Alex growled, shaking her head. Not that, that ever helped. 'Can't a girl think in peace?'

'Mm you can, but where is the fun in that?'

'Let's see how much fun it is when I think of other men.' A growl echoed in her head. 'Oh, you mad?'

'Don't tease the wolf love, you might get eaten sooner.'

Okay, that shut her up.

'Good girl.'


"What?" Matt stopped, giving her a confused look.

"Nothing wasn't talking to you." Catching up to him, she linked her arm in the crook of his. "So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." He whispered.

She huffed. "You know I hate surprises."

"You will love this one."

"It better be good. Especially after what you took me away from." Alex swore if looks could kill, she'd be six feet in the ground. Her brother was your typical overprotective male, only ten times worse than yours. But she wouldn't have him any other way. "Hey, did you know about second mates?"

Matt glanced over his shoulder, before nodding. "Dad told me."

"And you never thought to inform me about this?" Why was she always the last one in knowing things? She broke from the woods, stepping onto a road, where a white Mustang was waiting for them. "Well?"

"Will you hold on? Geez, you're worse than a pup." Opening the passenger door for her, he jogged to his side and slid in. "We rarely find our second mates. Half the time we never even find our first. If we do, it's a miracle really." Matt explained. "The fact that you found yours is five in a million really. And with our numbers dwindling that's saying something."

"Now I just have to tell Elston." Alex had allowed that matter to disappear from her thoughts for a moment. But she couldn't postpone it any longer. Elston didn't deserve to be cheated like this. They weren't really an item per se, but still, he was a friend. What scared her was his reaction. Elston had a temper on him, and although she knew he would never hurt her. Alex wasn't sure what he would do. "I need to tell him about Nathan."

"I can do it. I'd love to see the look on his pretty face." Matt chuckled evilly, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

"What is it with you and him?"

"Don't worry about it." Matt sighed, stopping the car in the parking lot of a beach. Alex jumped out, even more, confused than before. Matt hated beach's, more specifically he hated people. "Let's just hope he takes it like a man and doesn't challenge the claim."

"Challenge the claim?" Alex reached for his hand, stopping him from moving. "Nathan is an alpha, my mate and I have the bite."

"And Elston is also an alpha, already had your alphas blessing and you promised yourself to him." Matt spoke as if he was talking to a child. "If Elston wanted to, he can challenge Nathan for the right to mate. Regardless of who your mate is."

"Well, my life just keeps getting exciting." She released his arm, allowing him to lead the way across the grass area. "Is Nathan really my second mate?"

"Well like I said we all have two mates. Most wolves never find the second, some never find the first." Matt said. "But it could have gone either way really. It's not like they are marked or numbered." He came to a stop, scanning the area for someone. "You just happened to meet Gibbs first." Sporting who he was looking for, he waved frantically. "Get ready and don't embarrass me or yourself."

"What?" Alex followed his line of visions to see Ziva walking up to them. "What the fuck Matt?!" She whispered yelled. "Why didn't you tell me we were meeting with the team?!"

"And miss seeing the look you have right now?" He laughed. "Not in a million years."

Ziva approached them, greeting Matt with a kiss on the cheek. "Mathew, it's good to see you accepted the invitation."

"Had no choice, Eyal wouldn't stop bugging me all day about it." Matt grinned, grabbing his sister and pushing her in front of him. "This is my sister, Alex."

"Hi, nice to meet you." Ziva grinned, extending her hand out. But behind that friendly smile and sweet voice, the Mossad in her was at work. Her eyes scanned the woman in front of her, looking for any signs of danger.

"Likewise." Alex shook the offered hand, giving the biggest smile she could muster. "Forgive my brother's manners, but what is your name?"

"Ziva." She replied, her guard went down just a tad bit. "Come you got here just in time. Gibbs is just about done with the food."

Matt took a step forward, just to bump into his sister. "Ow. What are you doing? Walk."

"I can't."

"Why not?" Matt gave Ziva a 'we'll catch up' gesture. "Is it because of Gibbs?"

Alex felt as if she had just shoved a handful of sand down her throat. "Like a wolf, I can control myself. As a human, I don't know. I will have to speak to him, I have never spoken to him. At least not like this."

Matt sighed, just as something caught his attention. "How about a little motivation?" Alex frowned, following his pointing finger. Lisa was currently all up in Gibbs, kissing him on the cheek. "Just remember you have Nathan now. Keep thinking that and you should be fine. This is just a friendly cookout at the beach with your team."

Alex took in a deep breath. He was right, this was just her team even if they didn't know it. Who knows this might be fun. "Alright, let's go."

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