Chapter 1

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Alrighty, here's the first chapter of this book. What I have written of the other chapters so far is pretty lengthy. Most of the parts will be longer than most of my normal chapters. Just so you're prepared.

And I apologize if the main character is annoying at first. I promise that she'll be better later on. :D

Let me know what you think of it so far! If you guys like it then I will certainly continue updating. Enjoy! :)


Chapter 1

The streets of New York were always busy and I was used to it, but there was one day in particular that they were incredibly crowded.

The day that I lost my job.

It’s a short, straight-to-the-point story, but it definitely felt like my life was going to fall apart. I was convinced there was nothing left for me other than to sit in my apartment and wait for the bank to take it. And, based on how much I pushed my landlord’s buttons just to for fun, wouldn’t be long.

But, let me start where it all began.

I was twenty-four years old, living in the shittiest, but cheapest apartment in New York. I lived with my friend Angie, who I met at work. We had lot in common, except that she still had a job and I didn’t.

I majored in literature and minored in journalism at Syracuse. Following graduation, I got a job at an editing company, which is exactly where I had hoped to end up.

For the first few months, everything was going great—I got along with my coworkers and my salary allowed me to live comfortably. That is, until I began developing feelings toward my boss, Jack Callaway. Once I figured out how I was feeling, I tried extremely hard to stop them, but as it turned out, he liked me too. Dating inside the office was frowned upon, especially if it was between someone higher up than you, so our whole affair was kept a secret. When I say affair, I mean it. Jack Callaway was married and he claimed to had just “forgotten” to mention it. So our eight month relationship ended and I lashed out. I purposely avoided him at work, sometimes taking a personal day to ensure we never saw eye to eye.

That facade went on for two weeks before Jack threatened me. Either I pretend our affair never happened or he would fire me. I couldn’t just forget it. Like it or not, he fooled me into falling in love with him. I continued ignoring him, so he eventually put his foot down and fired me. The worst part of it all was now his wife hated me for breaking up their marriage when I had no idea she even existed.

In simpler terms, my life went from awesome to fucked up in a matter of days.

So here I was, sitting on a park bench with a box full of my work supplies. There were kids of all ages chasing each other and swinging on the jungle gym. Watching them live freely and with no regrets warmed my heart. They made my day a little bit better.

My attention zeroed in on a small blonde girl that just fell off a swing. No one reacted. Was she there by herself?

I rushed over to her and was surprised to see that she wasn’t crying. She didn’t even look sad. Her smile widened at the sight of me.

“Are you okay, sweetie?” I asked. When she hesitated, I remembered, Stranger Danger. “I’m sorry.”

She looked down at her knee and her brown eyes then stared into my green ones. “Ow.”

I held up a finger as I dug through my purse. Where are my band aids? Finally, I found a Spongebob SquarePants band aid and placed it on her knee.

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