Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Don't wake him up.

I slowly opened my eyes; they adjusted to the lighting and focused on the clock. 6:47.

My head was in Andrew's lap. His fucking lap. We had stayed there all night long. And he actually fell asleep.

Unfortunately, because I was so tired, I fell asleep again. Who knew that his lap was more comfortable than any pillow?

When I woke up again at 8:30, my head was actually on the couch pillow and my motionless body was covered in the blanket we shared the previous night.

He was gone.

I knew I had a problem when I pulled the blanket off and marched around the apartment. I searched for him, but there was no Andrew. On the counter, though, there was a note. I loved the fact that he wrote notes instead of just texting.

I poured a glass of milk and carried the note back to the couch. The cushions were still warm. I began to read.


I know I said I wasn't going to travel again for a while, but my boss called this morning and had already booked me a flight. I'm sorry for the short notice. I will be back in two days.

Susan will drop Haley off around 11:30, so you have the morning to yourself. Use it wisely. That's one of the many things I've learned about being her father.

Last night was a lot of fun. Like I said, it had been a long time since I had a night like that. I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the mysteries that you're made of.

That made me smile pretty wide.

I'd like to have another night like that someday. It was simply amazing.

I also thought I'd let you know that I enjoyed what I had seen of The League so far. You were right--it's pretty funny. I look forward to watching more episodes when I arrive back on Monday.

Tell Haley I'm sorry for not being here. Trust me, this short notice trip totally pissed me off. I will have a word with my boss when I'm home.

Thank you once again. I left your check on the bar, as well. No complaining! :)

I'll see you Monday.


It was official: he was the most generous, heartwarming person I had ever known.
He was going to be gone for two days. Compared to the five days he was gone before, it was nothing. It should have been nothing. But it wasn't.

He had just left and I already missed him. The apartment was more lively with his joyous laughter filling every room.

But what I was most worried about was how Haley was going to react. She loved Andrew and missed him more than I did when he was gone. Granted, I had just begun to feel this way toward him.

God, I really liked that man.

Following Andrew's instructions, I used my morning wisely. First, I went on a run. The last time I did that, I was offered the job I had now. It felt good to release everything I was feeling. After burning calories, I basically ate them all back when I ordered a McDonald's breakfast.

Until 11:30, it felt good to relax. I could watch TV shows that I normally couldn't around Haley. I did miss her, though. She unknowingly found a way into my heart, just like her father had.

My phone buzzed more than once, letting me know I was getting a call. When I saw the name, I felt a mixture of emotions.

"Hey," I quietly answered.

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