Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Angie gave me her signature grin as I say across from her in the booth. "Hey, stranger! It feels like I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I know. I'm sorry I didn't call you at all. I was busy with Haley and at night I was too exhausted to carry on a decent conversation." Except, of course, the one I had with Andrew.

She raised her eyebrows. "So how did it go? You said you were busy?"

I gave her a brief summary of all the activities I took part in with Haley. Angie was just like me when it came to Disney: there was a limit. And Haley definitely passed it.

"Wow," she said, laughing. "But she sure is a cutie. She behaved, right?"

I nodded. "Almost too well for a six-year-old. Aren't they supposed to be bratty?"

"Most them are," she agreed. "McHottie must have her trained well."

I cocked my head to the side and narrowed my eyes. "Stop calling him that. His name is Andrew."

She giggled. "Look at you getting all defensive. It's adorable. What does he think of you?"

I wasn't sure what she meant. He definitely wasn't interested in me in that way. He wasn't. Was he? Nope, no way.

"If you mean is he interested in me then he doesn't like me. We're friends, I guess. We get along and since I'm watching his kid, that's important." I spun my straw around in the water glass, focusing on my thoughts. "Besides, even if our relationship was like that—and I'm not saying it is—he's too old for me."

"He's probably about thirty, right? Damn, if I found a guy that looked like that at thirty we would be planning the wedding by now." She laughed.

Probably, I thought, but held back at saying it out loud. "If the guy is more than five years older, it's not a good idea to think about a relationship. And to continue, I'm not interested and neither is he."

Angie was taken aback. "Okay, and I accept that. I'm just telling you to be careful. After Jack and all."

That's why I was going to hold back on dating for a while. Part of me still hadn't fully recovered from the awful breakup that asshole put me through. Sure, Andrew was sexy and just talking to the guy was unreal, but the good thing about our budding friendship was that we didn't have this uncomfortable feeling that one of us liked the other."

I'm being careful. I know I can't like that after what I went through with Jack," I continued. "But on a happier note, what's been going on with you since I moved out?"

Excitement lit up her eyes. She began filling me in on her progress with a guy she met at the coffee shop, Tyler. By her vivid description of his sky blue eyes and fluffy blonde hair, he sounded hot. I tried my best to listen to her, but I couldn't push Andrew out of my mind. He was hot-I could say it over and over and its truth would never fade.

I wanted him.

Wait, what?

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