Chapter 2

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I'm glad to see that some of you enjoyed the first chapter! Things will start shaking up soon...I promise!

Enjoy, my lovely followers. :D


Chapter 2

One of the therapeutic ways that helped me clear my head was when I ran. And since I had nothing to do and nowhere to be, I ran for as long as humanely possible.

It was always one of my life goals to run a marathon before I was thirty. I still had six years to prepare, though.

On a normal day, running did help me forget about all the difficulties life threw at me, but today it only made me think even more about Haley’s father (I wasn’t sure what to call him; he was rich and I assumed his nannies called him “Sir”). How could I forget about the most gorgeous man I had ever ran into. He was even better looking than Jack, and Jack was hot.

Since he hadn’t contacted me for three days, I assumed he didn’t want me to watch Haley. I was okay with that...I think.

My heart rate picked up as my speed did. I hadn’t noticed how fast I was actually running until the world around me was just a thick blur. Though it was hard to focus on much, I spotted Haley standing in my way ten feet in front.

I ripped out my headphones and stopped my body, my head becoming a brick. “Haley,” I gasped, “what are you—”

“We need to talk to you,” she said simply, crossing her arms.


“Well, my dad needs to talk to you,” she corrected herself, giggling.

McHottie needed to talk to me? My mouth went dry and if I thought my heart was beating fast before, it was going much faster now. Holy shit.

“Do you know what he wants to, uh, talk to me about?” I was going to hurl.

Haley stepped forward and led me to a bench a few feet away. “You look a little dizzy. Are you okay?”

I nodded. “I just need to catch my breath.”

“Hey, Haley, you found her,” a distant voice called. I looked up and held McHottie’s gaze once again and he smiled.

“Mr. Garfield,” I said with a nod. Stop freaking out!

He held up his hand and sat next to me. “Please—it’s Andrew. Mr. Garfield is my father.”

“Okay…Andrew.” He smiled again.

Haley leaped up from the bench and her quick movement made McHottie and I jump. “Do you want to be my nanny? Please? You’re awesome!” she screamed.

“Haley,” he warned, even though he was on the verge of laughter himself. “Calm down a little bit, alright? Use your inside voice.”

“But we’re not inside,” she argued, raising her eyebrows.

He sighed and looked at me, preparing himself for some long speech. “Are you currently employed, Miss Olson?”

Miss Olson...jeez that sounded absolutely moving coming out of his perfect mouth. “Actually, you caught me at the right time. I’ve been unemployed three days.”


“Hales, can you go play on the swings for a little bit?”

“Why?” she whined.

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