Chapter 6

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So Wattpad was glitching and it screwed up my parts on this story, but it's all okay now. Whew. :')

This chapter will have a cliffhanger but I promise it's worth the cliffhanger. Enjoy :)


Chapter 6

I slept with an enormous smile on my face that night. I didn't know if it was because Haley wanted me to put her to sleep or Andrew and I's conversation. It was the best one we'd had yet.

To my misfortune, he sure wasn't making my promise easy to keep with those big brown eyes and perfectly sculpted pink lips that I wanted to feel against mine. And that wasn't even it. He trusted me with a part of his life that he kept to himself as much as possible-that made me like him even more.

I woke up to the smell of bacon on the verge of burning. I liked the smell but not how it tasted.

Then I heard a very familiar tune playing from the living room. I gasped and pulled the sheets off of me.

Whoa, cold.

"You owe me an apology!" I said it loud enough that Andrew heard but Sleeping Beauty could not. "What, you talk shit on this show and then I find you watching it the next morning?"

He held up his hands, smirking at my reaction. "Good morning to you, too. And I'm sorry for degrading this show. I'm already on the third episode."

"How-?" I crossed my arms. "How late did you stay up watching the first two episodes?"

"Not how late I stayed up, but how early I got up." His mouth twitched as he stifled a yawn. "This is a good show. I might have to follow in your footsteps and binge watch this bitch."

If you even have time.

"One of these days Haley is going to follow in yours and cuss like a sailor," I remarked.

He chuckled, turning his back to me so he could continue burning the bacon. Keep your eyes up, I instructed myself. "I watch my mouth around her. Most of the time."

Eyes up. I rose from the chair and stood next to him. "Here, let me. You need to get ready for work."

"Are you sure?" He flipped the bacon.

"Yes," I sighed, nearly shoving his large body away from the stove. "This is my job, after all."

"Okay..." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You do that a lot," I pointed out.

"Do what?"

I gestured toward his beautiful dough eyes. "Narrow your eyes at me."

He did it again, on purpose. "You're an interesting person, Natalie."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

He opened his mouth to respond, but Haley interrupted. "Daddy, that smells really good," she said in a deep morning voice, waddling towards us.

"Mornin', squirt. Do you want your bacon burnt or extra burnt?"

"Extra." She giggled, her eyes lighting up with anticipation.

I wrinkled my nose. "You guys like your bacon burnt?"

"It's better like that," Andrew said. "That way it's nice and crunchy and yummy."

"Yummy, indeed," agreed Haley.

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