Chapter 21

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So, I am finally getting out of my recent inactiveness and started writing again. Specifically this story, because this is the story you all seem to love and want more of every time I update, so I will be writing this story more often.

Also, for those of you who haven't seen the message I sent out, I am eight chapters into a new story called Heart of a Champion. I'm very proud of it so far and I hope you guys love it as much as I do. If you are interested in reading the story, I will definitely post it! Just let me know in the comments!

Alrighty, here is a somewhat lengthy, but very well-desereved chapter. The ending may be upsetting, but I promise it will all end up okay. You trusted me on Fifty Shades of Garfield, so trust me again on this one.

Enjoy my beautiful readers!


Chapter 21

Tears streamed down Haley's face as I held a Kleenex tightly to her nose. "It hurts!"

I seriously doubted that a random bloody nose was painful at all, but based on her reaction she had never had one before.

"Haley, it's okay. It's just a bloody nose," I soothed.

Her sobs slowed down, but didn't stop. "I'm going to die."

"No, you're not. I promise."

With every sob, I kissed her cheek, wondering how something as simple as a bloody nose could make a seven-year-old so upset. When I was her age I'd already had numerous bloody noses.

After her dramatic display and the blood stopped dripping, Haley was almost back to normal. She felt loads better when I let her pick a movie to watch.

"I can't decide between Robin Hood or The Rescuers Down Under." She stroked her chin, resembling Andrew.

There was a knock on the door quiet enough that I almost didn't hear it.

"I vote Robin, but it's your decision Hales."


I let her continue the long process of deciding what movie to watch while I made my way toward the door. On the other side was a short woman, a few grey strands of hair sticking out beneath her brunette coloring. A woman I hadn't seen in too long.

"Mom? What are you doing here?"

"Visiting my only child, what the hell's it look like?"

She hadn't changed a bit.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I assumed you would call before you just show up. How did you even know to find me here?"

"Well, I stopped by your apartment and was disappointed to find that my daughter was not living there anymore," she began, letting out an overdramatic sigh. "Of course, she gave me the address to this place, which apparently is your...boyfriend's?" Her voice got higher and she raised her eyebrows, awaiting my explanation.

"I guess I haven't been keeping you up to date..."

"Oh, really?" Once she was done being sarcastic, she finally wrapped me in a hug. My mother wasn't a sentimental person, so I favored every hug or kiss she gave me over the years. "Now, where is the adorable little girl Angie told me about?"

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