Chapter 31

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Okay, I won't say much this time mostly because I am sad there's only the Epilogue left. *bursts into tears*

Anyway, I read the first two books of A Court of Thorns and Roses (the third comes out May 2nd) and they're SO GOOD. Highly recommend. I wrote a review over the second book. You can find it on my Goodreads page, I posted a link in my bio if you want to check it out (don't feel pressured, just if you want to).

Enjoy this chapter! It took a while, but I love their characters. :D


Chapter 31

Andrew filled our glasses to the brim with thick red wine. Two weeks prior to the wedding I'd cut off all alcohol and fattening foods to avoid not fitting in my dress. That had been my worst nightmare.

"Now, I know this may sound a little bit cheesy but I want to make a toast. Just the two of us." He tapped my glass with his. "To you, my incredible, smart, talented, beautiful wife. God, that sounds amazing."

I smiled, tapping his glass back. "And I'd like to thank you for being the best boyfriend, fiancé and now husband a woman could ask for. To our happily ever after."

"You forgot 'boss'," he added, winking.

"Don't push it."

I sipped gently from my glass, but Andrew tipped his back and drank the entire thing. "Whoa, babe, what are you doing? Red wine makes you insanely horny."

He shrugged and kissed me. He tasted delicious, and it wasn't just the wine. "And it's only my first glass."

"You know, the last time I had this—" I paused, wanting to backtrack, realizing I'd gone too far. Andrew didn't know this story and I was positive he wouldn't want to hear it. Instead, I shut up and took another sip, looking guilty as hell.

Andrew held up a finger. "Wait, wait, wait. We got married this afternoon and you're already wanting to lie?" he joked. "Damn. Next thing I know you're going to tell me you're a lesbian and run off with Angie."

I giggled, the wine burning my throat. "Fine, fine, I'll tell you. Well, it was a night you were out of town and Haley was in bed so I wanted some wine. I poured a glass, sat on the couch and watched...I can't remember. I think it was a scary movie because I jumped a little and a good amount of the wine soaked into the couch." Remembering it now, I was such an idiot. "I frantically tried to get the stain out but because the couch is pure white, there is still a noticeable red splotch on the cushion."

Andrew burst into laughter, partially covering his face. His silent giggles always made me smile. "What? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I really liked the job and I didn't want to get fired again, so I just...flipped it."

Thankfully, he grabbed my hand and kissed me again. "I wouldn't have fired you, Natalie. By that time I was positive I really liked you."

I beamed at my husband. "I love you, Mr. Garfield."

"I love you, Mrs. Garfield," he happily replied, his tongue brushing against my bottom lip. "And first order of business after the honeymoon is finding a sectional couch so that white one can be sold. Although, I don't know who will want a couch with a wine stain on it..."

I nudged his arm, careful not to spill wine on my, so far, stainless dress. "God, I can't wait to devour that roast beef. I haven't had meat in almost a week."

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