Chapter 29

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Hey guys, remember when we let the Annoying Orange run for president? Oh wait...

I don't usually put my political views on here mainly because it's none of anyone's business just as yours is none of mine, but this election seems to be bringing out a lot of anger. At least, that's what I've noticed on social media and people literally attacking each other over who should win the election. It's getting pretty ridiculous.

Anyway, I don't want to soil anyone's vision of myself, but I will not be voting for Trump. I am excited to finally be of age to vote and I do not want to look back on my first time voting and regret it.

Okay, semi-rant over. For those of you offended, I wish I could apologize, but my opinions are my own and yours are your own. I respect yours, so I only hope you will respect mine. :)

Here is a new update. I'm thinking there are three chapters left, which makes me want to curl up in a ball and sob for days on end. A couple of you were concerned that the previous chapter was the last one. I will never leave you guys hanging as to if a book is over or not. I will always tell you when the end is near, just as I am doing now. I hope you enjoy! :D


Chapter 29

The wedding was in a month and there was so much to do in such little amount of time. Getting a personal tour of our maybe first house was one of the top things to get accomplished.

Haley was ecstatic. When Andrew finally revealed the news to her, she ran around the house to search for any cardboard box for her toys to be packed in. No matter how many times we told her the house wasn't definite and assured that every toy would be accounted for, she frantically sorted through every toy.

Even sitting in the backseat of Andrew's car sent her into delight. "Dad, does the house have a pool?"

"Yes, Hales, but remember—"

"For my next birthday I want to have a pool party! Wouldn't that be fun, Dad?"

Andrew tried his best to calm her down, but it was completely useless. I would have helped him out, but I was equally as excited as she was. I had never lived in a house, nor had I toured one before.

"Yes, Haley, but you need to remember that we're just looking at the house," he reminded her, though he peeked at me, as well. "You, too, Nat. This isn't a for sure deal."

"I am prepared to be shot down," I promised, even though it was a total lie. If we didn't get the house, I would be crying alongside Haley.

When Andrew parked in the driveway, my stomach turned. Just by observing, the garage could fit two cars along with room for extra storage. The dark blue front door was decorated with a green wreath, a red ribbon wrapped neatly around its center. And the outside was only the beginning.

Haley and I jumped out of the car while Andrew hung a bit behind us. He inspected the gutters and trim from afar, pursing his lips as he did so. I grabbed his hand, pulling him toward me. That simple gesture seemed to lift invisible weight from his shoulders. The smile said it all.

Haley enthusiastically knocked on the door. Not two seconds later Mark was standing in the doorway, gesturing us into the home. What I didn't expect was for him to hug me. "It's great to see you guys here. I know you aren't supposed to get your hopes up but I think you guys have a good shot."

There weren't enough thank yous in the world that could possibly suffice for the work Mark had done to get us this house.

The tour became very spread out the second Mark's family showed up. Haley and Justin ran to the backyard and circled the swing set like vultures. Grace had tagged along this time and Mark didn't hold back in introducing the two of us. She was elegant even in the way she shook my hand and smiled.

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