Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

We returned to New York two days later. As much fun as we were having, Haley still had school she couldn't miss on Monday. Everyone else dreaded going back to work; I was the only one excited about my job. I got to spend time with the most adorable kid in the world and my boyfriend.

What better job was there?

Andrew and I decided to tell Haley about our relationship today, Friday. I had to admit that I was nervous. Haley loved us both, but would she love us together?

I convinced myself that she would be beyond excited. That's the only way I could think straight.

When it was time for lunch, I picked up a two turkey sandwiches from Andrew's favorite place, Fiore's Deli. Visiting him for lunch was going to be, I hoped, the highlight of his day.

The building he worked in was incredibly tall. He lived in a tall building and worked in a tall building; this was the life of a typical New Yorker.

I was greeted by a secretary sitting at a desk, along with five others in several different locations. "How may I help you, ma'am?"

I cleared my throat. "Um, yes, can you tell me where Andrew Garfield's office is?"

She typed on her computer, occasionally peeking at me. "Floor Seven. His name is on his office, so it won't be hard to find."

"Thank you." I stepped away and walked toward the elevator. There was no way in hell I was taking the stairs. I was not for exercising more than I had to.

The doors almost closed on a guy, but I forced them back open. "Oh, thank you, miss." And then he looked up, freezing at the sight of me.

Just my luck.

"Jack," I muttered through gritted teeth. "I should have just let those doors squish you."

He was used to my occasional sarcasm, especially when it came to him, so he only laughed. "Nice to see you, too. Hey, what are you doing here? Still looking for a job?"

I felt like a freight train--I was filled with nothing but steam. "No, actually, I'm bringing someone lunch." I held up the bag.

He nodded. "Interesting. Who? I might know 'em."

Oh, you do. I grinned. "Andrew Garfield."

The lightbulb inside his below-average brain lit up. "I was just talking to him! Work stuff. How do you know him?"

I found it absolutely hilarious how, after all I went through with him, he thought we were on good terms. Enough to be acting so casually, at least. So I fed him information that I knew pissed him off. "Oh, he's my boyfriend."

Jack's jaw dropped, just in time for me to arrive on Floor Seven. "Well, I hope to never see you again. Have a fantastic day, Mr. Callaway."

I was in a great mood and I hadn't even seen my boyfriend yet.

I wandered around Floor Seven, reading the signs and still confused on where his office was. Everything was so oversized.

Eventually, I came across a very busy portion of the building, where nearly every employee was on their feet.

Andrew's office looked fairly large from the outside, but I remembered him saying he was high up on the employment scale. Do I knock or just walk in?

Since the door was partly open already, I knocked and pushed it further open.
"Leo, I already told you that we don't own them anymore," he said without looking up from his file cabinet.

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