Chapter 25

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Hello, my beautiful readers/followers!

Yes, I FINALLY updated this story after a month of inactivity. College planning. It takes more time than you might think. Especially since I only have a MONTH until I'm officially on my own. *insert scared as hell emoji*

Anyway, this is a little shorter since I knew y'all were waiting, very patiently, I should add, for an update. I can't tell you when I will update next, but hopefully at least once before classes start. PLEASE BEAR WITH ME. I will finish this story if it kills me. :D



Chapter 25

While Haley was at school and Andrew was at work, I spent the entire morning scrolling through Pinterest for wedding ideas. Perhaps it was too early to be stressing over wedding details, but it was all I could think about. The way I saw it, the quicker I brainstormed, the quicker we'd be married.

Since it was the most important piece of a wedding, I saved the dress for later. Actually, it was at the bottom of my list. I knew that was the most painful part, so I spared my stress and focused merely on decorations.

That was supposed to be simple, but I had to keep Andrew's interests in mind, as well. If I chose a backdrop and put it together, I was sure he wouldn't care, but I still had to include him. It was his celebration, too.

Although it wasn't worth more than a dime, the plastic ring on my finger was an attention stealer. The power it held was unbelievable. And it was mine.

Around eleven o'clock as I waited for my Mac n' Cheese to cook, I went through my closet. There were still a few forgotten outfits at Angie's apartment, but I had enough to work with already. Using those dresses as an example helped form different color themes on my head—baby blue and lime green, red and blue, green and pink, coral and turquoise. There were too many choices for my indecisive brain.

That led me to yet another thought: I hadn't checked up with Angie in almost two weeks. Bizarre as it sounded, she hadn't called me either.

I dialed her number fast and stood alone in my old bedroom, surrounded by dresses and printed photographs of dress ideas. Finally, her thick morning voice—even though it was almost noon—said wearily, "Hello?"

"Angie, hey! We haven't hung out in forever," I said, taking a deep breath.

"I know! I've been meaning to call, but I've been...occupied." She thought about that word carefully. "What have you been up to?"

My eyes darted to my left hand, Belle's ring flashing in the thin amount of sunlight shining through the window. "Well...I have"

Telling Angie meant eventually telling Brittany and, most importantly, Haley. Was Andrew planning on keeping this a secret or was I allowed to say something? I had kept it locked up for a good week now; I deserved one moment of weakness.

Angie sighed on the other line. She had been through the many surprises I've thrown her way since our friendship, so I couldn't blame her for jumping to conclusions. "When's it due?"

"I'm not pregnant, Angelica," I barked, beginning to pace unnervingly across the room. "But I" I wasn't sure how I wanted to phrase it—no matter how it came out of my mouth I knew she would scream and probably drop the phone. I was more concerned about my eardrums at the moment. "Engaged."

I savored the short pause that came before her signature window-shattering screech and then a thumping sound. She was too predictable. When she finally caught her breath, her voice was incredibly ecstatic. "Nat, are you serious? You're not pulling my leg or anything? You and Andrew are seriously getting married?"

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