Chapter 9

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I know I've said this the past three summers I've been on Wattpad, but this is going to be the summer of writing for me! I'm going to be a senior when school starts and I should have more free time than I did when I was a junior *cough* chemistry *cough*

Two updates in one day...we should throw a party! lol

I should be updating this one fairly frequently since I have been on a writing spree. I hope y'all like this chapter!


Chapter 9

Andrew stood back in awe, his eyes unblinking. But once his eyes and mind were on the same page, his lips twisted into a smile. I had gone two whole excruciating days without seeing that beautiful smile.

He spotted Brittany first, which is why he immediately gave her the credit. "You didn't."

"I actually didn't." She nodded her head to Haley and I.

Andrew turned around and Haley and I held up our arms in excitement. "Happy Birthday!"

After setting his bag down, Haley ran into his arms. The only thing I could focus on was how nice his hair looked. It made him appear hotter than usual. "Thank you, Hales. Was this your idea?"

"Not really," she faithfully admitted. "It was Natalie's."

We made eye contact, both of us grinning. "A little birdie told me your birthday was today and I thought I'd do something special."

He walked toward me and, although I wished for something more, wrapped his large arms around me. This was the first time he ever touched me in front of Haley, let alone hugged me. It was unexpected, but I enjoyed every second.

"Thanks, Nat. I wasn't planning on celebrating at all."

"It's your thirtieth birthday. You have to celebrate," I said.

He rolled his eyes. "Well, thanks. You really surprised me."

"That was the point." I laughed.

Andrew then moved on and greeted everyone. It was impressive how many people knew and liked him. It wasn't shocking; his personality was to die for.

Angie tapped my shoulder and I gasped. "Jesus, Ang." I expected Tyler to be directly next to her, but he was nowhere in sight. "Where's your boy-toy?"

She slouched her shoulders. "Tyler and I are no longer...together."

"What?" Their breakup must have taken place during the last two days because they were happy as could be at the dance. "What did he do? Or was it you?"

"Please, Nat, I didn't do anything." Despite the bad news, she winked. "Yesterday I caught him with another girl. Apparently they work together and assumed I wouldn't find out. Idiot."

"They're all idiots," I huffed, running my hand up and down her arm.

At that moment, Andrew laughed and put his arm around Haley. I must have smiled because Angie took notice to my brightened mood.

"Not all of them," she added, raising an eyebrow.

I opened my mouth to object, but no words came out. I had never lied to Angie, and I wasn't about to start. "Is it really that obvious?"

"To the women here it is," she promised. "But not the men. They aren't idiots, but they're pretty clueless when it comes to relationships."

I impatiently rested my chin on my hand. "Am I crazy? This is the second time I have been in this type of situation. Why can't I fall for someone that isn't employing me?"

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