Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The end of September rolled around quicker than I hoped it would have. The weather was slowly changing from hot and stingy to just plain cold. I wasn't a fan of the cold.

Andrew wasn't either. Everywhere he went he wore a thick coat and stocking cap. It was a bit pathetic, if you asked me.

One very important morning, I woke up to the alarm I set. The day before, Andrew and I had made a pact that we'd decorate the apartment for Haley's birthday. She was turning seven today.

I slipped out of my pajamas and into a pair of capris. I was in the middle of pulling my hair into a ponytail when I heard a loud noise from the kitchen, followed by a much louder, "Damn it."

I ran out of my room and toward the sound of the noise. I found Andrew crouched by the oven, picking up a large pot.

"Way to go, clumsy, you probably woke her up," I said, crossing my arms.

He mocked me. "Stop being mean and help me. She probably is already awake."

"How many people are coming to her party today?" As expected, Haley wanted to invite her whole class. This place was big, but it could not fit twenty-some energetic kids, so Andrew told her to narrow down the invites.

"Twelve. And none of them are boys." He laughed. "It's cute how she thought I'd let that happen."

"I told her you wouldn't allow it."

He shook his head. "She's way too young to be dealing with boys. Nope, not my little Haley."

I smiled, picking up the present on the counter. I did Haley's job and shook it. "Hmm...I can't tell what it is."

"That's the first part of her present. The second part is my personal favorite." He raised his eyebrows.

I knew that whatever he bought Haley would top what I did, but he was her dad and I couldn't one-up him. The Barbie Dream House I purchased was, if I knew Haley, a close second.

Haley came marching out of her room rubbing her eyes. "What was that noise?"

"I dropped a pot," he said. He and I exchanged a glance. "So, Hales, do you feel different?"

"No..." She yawned and smiled at Andrew uncomfortably. Her eyes drifted to the present, and her eyes lit up excitedly. "It's my birthday!"

"Happy Birthday!" Andrew and I yelled in unison.

"So how old are you now? Four?" He scratched the whiskers sprouting on his face.


"Hmm...yeah, that's not right. You're nine now, aren't you?"

"Dad!" She laughed. "I'm seven!"

He ran around the counter and scooped her into his arms. "Of course you are, squirt. Technically you aren't seven until eleven forty-six."

"Really?" Having an exact birthdate really changed the whole aspect of her birthday. "Cool. Can I open that present now?"

He narrowed his eyes at her. "No, silly. You have to wait just a little while."

"When are my friends coming over?"

"Two," he said. She started squirming out of his grip. "Calm down, squirt. Can't I just hold you?"

"No, Daddy, there's a lot of stuff to get done!" She jumped up and tugged at my arm. "Natalie, you have to curl my hair!"

Andrew cleared his throat. She sighed impatiently and placed her hands on her hips. "Can you do my hair, please?"

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