Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Now that Amber was inviting herself back into Andrew's life, I noticed his attitude gradually changing. If anything, he was extremely jealous of all the attention Haley was giving her.

In the mornings, Andrew would wake up to Amber knocking on the door. He barely spent any of his free time with Haley. If I didn't know any better, I would have guessed that she was purposely pushing his buttons just for attention.

Amber's presence also meant that Andrew and I were left to keep ourselves occupied. I did the best I could to avoid being alone with him, but he wasn't settling for it. He talked with me, cleaned with me, helped prepare meals--it was as if Amber and Haley were in their own bubble and Andrew and I were left alone.

Though, I couldn't complain. I loved hanging out with him. We were friends. That's all I wanted us to be.

The relaxation only lasted so long. On Amber's last day in town, everything crumbled into a thousand hopeless pieces.

Andrew was working, per usual, and Haley was singing along to the songs in Frozen. I could hear her strong voice while in the shower, hitting every note not perfectly but precisely.

The warm water ran down my shoulders, my back, my breasts. Every part of me ached for Andrew, but that's exactly what I had to wean myself of.

I had to stop my devotion for him before it led me to do things I normally wouldn't. I knew I was capable.

Jack had that effect on me during our relationship. I found myself feeling more confident, which wasn't bad at all, but I also indirectly used him. He was hot, and I knew there were plenty of girls that wouldn't have passed him by, so I took the liberty of showing off what was mine. In some ways, he was more for show.

I felt bad after I realized what I was doing. But now, I didn't care. He deserved everything he got and will get. According to Angie, I wasn't finished with Jack.

Angie was all about revenge. Which was why I feared for Tyler after what he did to her. It's his fault, no doubt about that, but Angie is a master at revenge.

I finished my shower, steam forming a thick coat on the mirrors. Wow, I was in there for a long time. I dried off and slipped on a pair of jean shorts and an old Coldplay T-shirt. I went to their first tour when I was sixteen and distinctly remembered buying that shirt. They were my favorite band.

Amber was busy applying even more make-up while Haley tried to start a conversation about Belle. The only thing that girl was interested in talking about were the Disney princesses. Her sorry-excuse-for-a-mother, however, wasn't paying any attention. Well, I had to give the woman some credit for at least nodding her head every now and then.

"Mommy, are you listening?"

Amber momentarily looked away from her "beautiful" reflection. "Of course, sweetie."

"Okay. What color is Belle's dress?" she asked, crossing her arms.


It was possibly the easiest Disney question. You didn't have to be a fanatic like Haley to know the answer. Unfortunately for Amber, she had been deprived of her basic Disney facts. "Um..." She turned her head to me, assuming I'd give her some sort of hint. I picked up one of the yellow coffee cups. "Yellow, honey. It's yellow. Duh."

Haley wasn't stupid, but she was too fascinated by Amber that she was oblivious to her mother's selfishness. "Okay. Nanny Natalie, do you want to play the princess game, too?"

"Whoa, hold on, who said we were playing?" Amber mumbled.

She was unbelievable. I smiled. "Can I dry my hair first? I will kick your butt, little girl."

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