Chapter 4

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Hehe another update! I'm glad you guys are liking this story!

So, I might update this story one more time this weekend, but if I don't I will definitely update it on my birthday, the 13th. I'm gonna be seventeen. :P

Y'all should really take the time to see The Longest Ride this weekend because it was amazing. Of course, the book was better because that's how it normally goes, but it was pretty close to the book. It wasn't better than The Notebook (nothing can EVER beat that) but it definitely was better than Safe Haven or The Last Song. Plus, Scott Eastwood is a babe. ;)

Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 4

The next five days, just as Andrew had promised, absolutely flew by.

The first day was very eventful. In the morning, Haley and I ate pancakes. She specifically told me that she wouldn’t eat them without chocolate chips. Personally, I thought they tasted a lot better plain, but with peanut butter smeared on top.

I learned a lot about Haley just that day. She was very sensitive when it came to brushing her hair. If I even came near a tangle, she would squirm and say, “That hurts.” That was going on the list.

I decided to write down all the things I had to work on with Haley, such as brushing her hair. I felt that if I kept track of the goods and bads then our relationship would grow even stronger.

The worst thing about her was her lack of an appetite. She ate meat and fruits just fine; in fact, she gobbled them down quickly. The issue was with vegetables. If she saw or smelled any vegetables, she would leave the room, swearing that she was going to throw up. In Andrew’s list, he brought attention to her loathing of any green food.

Hales has no problem with eating her fruit. Be careful with vegetables, though. She refuses to eat them, even if you threaten to shove them down her throat. Believe me, I’ve pulled that card and it hasn’t worked well. If you think it will work, you could discreetly chop them up and mix them into her dinner. I haven’t tried that yet.

I also learned about her pet peeves and predilections.

For example, she loved to play with my hair. I discovered this when we were watching The Fox and the Hound, and I felt her small fingers run through my hair. If she was really getting into the movie, her twisting would pick up or she would begin making baby braids.

By the second and third days, I was already falling into a daily routine. I can get used to this.

At night on the third day, Andrew called. He talked with Haley for a half hour, and I promised myself I wouldn’t eavesdrop on their conversation.

When Haley gave me the phone back, I expected him to say goodbye and then hang up. But he didn’t. He carried on a casual conversation long enough for me to move to the couch for more coziness. He could talk forever.

“What is your job, Andrew?” Not once did he ever specify what he actually did that made him both busy and incredibly wealthy.

He laughed on the other line. “I work for eCommerce. You’re familiar with that, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“I work at the head office. Since I’m the owner’s assistant, I’m the one that has to set up meetings out of state and sometimes out of the country. Leaving the country is rare, though.” He drew a long sigh. “It used to be fun. Now it feels like I’m traveling all the time and I never see Haley.”

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