Chapter 16

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Hey, y'all!

Sorry I haven't updated much, but I was on vacation in San Diego the last two weeks and I tried to enjoy my time away from home.

Things are going to get interesting now that Andrew and Natalie have slept together. Enjoy, my lovely readers. :)


Chapter 16

They're about to have one hell of a show...

I woke up to the sun rising through the Mickey Mouse curtains. As I opened one eye, I saw his arm draped across my bare back, fingers twitching. I almost forgot what happened last night, but his deep breaths brought back the oh-so-sweet memories.

I slept with my boss...again. I knew if I thought too much about it, then I would feel guilty and push him away, but I didn't want that.

He isn't Jack.

When I told Jack I loved him, he broke up with me, leaving me with no job and a broken heart. But Andrew said those powerful words first.

I can trust Andrew.

With an exhausted groan, I rolled onto my side. My eyes focused on the clock, 6:47. Damn, it's early.

The room turned colder throughout the night, but I had failed to notice. I curled up in a ball and felt the hair on his legs brush against mine. Was it weird that I was turned on?

We lay in silence, our bodies intertwined, as if they were made for a perfect fit. I studied his face. His hair was a tangled mess, but remembering that I was the one who messed it up in the first place made me smile. And his lips--his perfectly sculpted, incredible kissing lips--were opened slightly, cold air escaping the space between them.

I pressed my mouth to his warm neck. He moved slowly underneath me, and I kissed his perfect jawline, my tongue swirling over his soft skin.

In one swift movement, he placed himself on top of me, his legs sprawled over mine. "Good morning to you, too."

I smiled and slid my hands down his chest. "I love you so, so much."

He gave up on trying to trap me and decided to lay motionless beside me. "Je t'aime." He nibbled on my neck, the tingles I became familiar with last night returning.

"You know French?"

He grinned. "I could teach you some words. I know my anatomy," he drew imaginary circles on my stomach, "pretty well." His voice was so rough and mysterious.

I was so in love with him. "Let's hear it, then."

He kissed my lips. "Lévres." Next, he kissed to my nose. "Nez."


"Ne parle pas," he said, smirking. "Don't speak."

I obeyed him, listening to a variety of different words--yeux, estomac, main--but all I could focus on was the amazing, French-speaking man I was lying next to.

He grinned as his hands moved down my body, touching a certain area with pleasure, "Va--"

I squirmed. "You're a naughty man, Mr. Garfield," I teased. I scooted away from him and attempted to get out of the bed, but his strong arm pulled me back.

"Please don't leave," he whispered, stroking my palm.

"I have to take a shower," I said.

Disappointment fell on his face, his mouth in a tight line. "Oh, calm down, it'll be fifteen minutes, tops."

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