Chapter 7

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Hey, y'all!

Sorry for taking so long to update! It's finally summertime and I have no more chemistry EVER! That calls for celebration, right? ;)

Hope you enjoy this! Sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger. :D


Chapter 7

By the time my mind had time to register what I was seeing, Andrew was already standing by my side. I assumed the reason that his arm was openly touching mine was because he didn't know anyone other than me.

Oh my God. He's here. Physically-next to me.

"Hey, Natalie," he said in a low voice. "Mind if I join?"

We looked at each other, only now it wasn't so awkward. I could have stared into those eyes all day long and never tired of it. But now, I was staring too much. Andrew leaned forward a little, leaving me assuming the worst-technically the best.

Say something, stupid!

"Yes. Wait, no," I stuttered, unable to find the words I was searching for. "I mean...yes, you can join."

Angie was on the verge of laughing her ass off. I shot her a glare that said Fuck you.

Andrew's lips twitched, hiding the charming smile he so desperately wanted to show off.

I cleared my throat. "Andrew, this is my friend Angie and her..." What do I call him? "And Tyler."

Andrew shook their hands. "I've heard a lot about you, Angelica."

Angie curled her lip and gave me a sideways hug. If Andrew weren't there, I would have shoved her off. "Aww, thanks, Nattie."

"Shut up," I spat, squinting my eyes.

Andrew almost smiled again, but there was something keeping him from doing so. I really needed to see him smile.

"Shall we find a table?" suggested Tyler.

"Great idea." Angie grabbed Tyler's hand and led him toward a table.

"We'll be there in a second," I said, pulling Andrew away from the crowd of couples.

"What's up?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.I crossed my arms. "What are you doing here?"

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