Chapter 23

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First things first, I just want to say that I HATE Amber. FUUUUCKING HATE HER. GUHHH.

Okay, now that it's off my chest, I can get down to business. Sorry for the late upset. After graduation I took a few days off from writing so I could catch up on more important sleep. Mmm.

Alright guys...the end is near. Not near enough that there's only two chapter left; probably about five, depending on if I decide to include something else. I guess we will find out. I tend to just kind of do whatever when it comes to writing, especially with this story :)

Enjoy this chapter! Again, I hate Amber's character and it frustrates me every time I write about her, but like I said before, there has to be an antagonist or the story would be boring and pointless.

Sorry for rambling so much... :D


Chapter 23

Haley stood ready to go in her hot pink uniform. For weeks she had been marking down the days on the calendar, and now it was finally here: her dance recital.

It was crucial for Haley that Andrew and I be there, so he took the day off work especially for this. The only problem was: he got stuck in court all morning, most likely being held up because of Amber's absence or her pouting. She was invited to Haley's recital, too, but my guess was she wasn't going to be there.

I could never understand her lack of involvement in Haley's life. Sure, she would randomly show up every month or two to "check in," but she wasn't caught up in her daughter's life. Andrew wasn't going to tell her for the sake of Haley thinking she's a better parent.

I'd tried to tell him that Haley was getting older and would eventually see Amber as he did—a manipulative actress that only cared about herself. But Andrew wasn't convinced. I was scared he'd always feel that way.

I finished tying Haley's bow around her thick ponytail and sighed, staring at the clock. He was twenty minutes late. He had never been late before.

Her head hung low. "Why isn't Daddy here, yet? He said he'd be here."

It was my job to tell her he would be, no matter what, cheering her on. I didn't want to get her hopes up, but ruining her big day wasn't an option.

"He's on his way," I said, avoiding her eyes.
While she found a coat, I pulled out my phone. I'd called him twice now and sent several texts. I sent another one:

Andrew, you know this is important to Haley. She's expecting you to be there.

We waited five more minutes before Haley was risking being late to her own recital. There was no doubt she was disappointed—I was, too—but she climbed in the back of the cab, silently staring out the window.

What the hell was wrong with him?

I had to stop myself from blaming him entirely. It was court and unpredictable, but it rarely took three hours for Andrew to hash out whatever Amber was complaining about. Plus, it was also very unlike him not to answer his phone at least once.

I paid the cab driver and we fast walked inside the building. There was a slight skip in Haley's step, which made me smile.

"Are you excited?" I asked her, squeezing her hand.

"Yeah," she responded quietly, but once she saw Genevieve and Allie waiting for her, she perked up. "I'll see you after, Natalie! Don't forget to take pictures."

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