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Alright, guys, here is the long-awaited conclusion to this story! It's been a while since I updated, I know.

I hope you all enjoy it. It's very long, but I didn't want any loose ends or unanswered questions. I wanted it to be the perfect ending. Let me know what you think! Hopefully it is. :)

***Warning, major Harry Potter spoilers lay ahead.



I supposed the drawings of our family were absolutely adorable to see, but they would have looked much better if they weren't plastered on the living room wall. It was quarter to five—Andrew would be home any minute and no doubt he'd be pissed.

Peter's large brown eyes stared at me, streaks of red and green markers across his face. "I'm sorry, Mommy."

"I know, Peter, but I've told you a million times not to draw on the walls. That's why I gave you paper," I sternly said, pointing to the table. "Alright, dude, we need to get you cleaned up. We're having Christmas with your aunts tonight."

"Aunt Angie!" he yelled as I carried his chubby body to the sink. Thank God it was only his hands and part of his face that needed cleaning.

Haley marched down the stairs and her jaw dropped at the mess. "Um...Natalie—"

"I know, Hales, it's all over the walls. You'd think I could run upstairs for thirty seconds and he'd be fine—" I cut myself off. "Could you go in the garage and get me the light brown paint and a brush, please? We have company coming over soon."

Haley did as I asked without complaining. I was grateful for her, too. As a ten year old, she was exceptionally helpful with Peter and barely gave us attitude. Well, mostly. I knew it wouldn't last long.

With Peter scrubbed clean, I took off his shirt so I could get the expected stains out. Haley found the right paint bucket and a rolling brush, but she was no longer alone.

"I heard there was accident," his deep voice inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Peter squirmed and attacked Andrew's legs. "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

"Hey, squirt," he beamed and picked up Peter. "How was your day? You had quite the project going on in the living room."

"Pete, tell Dad what happened," I demanded, walking toward the disastrous wall.

He looked down and pointed to the wall. "Mommy told me not to."

Andrew held in the laugh. "Then why did you do it if you knew it was wrong?"

"It's pretty!"

Andrew kneeled down in front of Peter and explained how drawing on the wall was wrong. It was a difficult subject for a two-year-old brain to wrap its head around, but Andrew picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. Peter giggled the entire time.

Haley sat at the kitchen table and finished reading the first Harry Potter book. She'd grown immensely in the past three years. She used to put off her homework until ten o'clock, but now she got it done right after school so she could spend the evenings hanging around the house and terrorizing Peter. Well, terrorizing was a bit of an exaggeration—she knew he was significantly younger and smaller, but she still treated him like a brother. Sharing was a difficult task for the two of them.

As for Andrew—in terms of change, I mean—his career was a bit different. He was still an entrepreneur, but right after Peter was born he left eCommerce. His boss was too strict about Andrew taking time off for our honeymoon and Andrew figured he'd have an issue with cutting back hours for Peter. He was right.

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