Chapter 30

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Okay, I took FOREVER to update but I decided I'd take a break from writing and enjoy the holidays because, as most of you may know, they are extremely hectic. Also, I love this story to death and I don't want it to be over so I'm gonna try to take as much time writing it as I possibly can. I'm sorry if it takes an eternity. My goal is to be done by March. :)

Since I probably won't update before New Years, I hope you all have a lovely one! 2016 can rot in hell for all I care. Too many people have died this year...

Anyway, there are two chapters left after this. *starts crying uncontrollably*

I hope you enjoy this. I cried a little, just so you're warned! :D


Chapter 30

It was finally here—my wedding day.

Months of preparation and countless nights of staying up past three led to this day. It's all I'd been looking forward to since the moment Andrew asked me.

My faithful bridesmaids had spent the entire morning double-checking the list I made weeks prior. Angie and Brittany did their best to keep me distracted. They even set up a projector in the church basement so all of my favorite movies could play in the background of the chaos. I was convinced all the distractions were to keep me from turning into Bridezilla.

Number one on my list was to avoid going crazy. Number two, of course, was making it down the aisle without any altercations.

The only part that sucked was being apart from Andrew. I was forced to say goodbye to him last night while I crashed at Angie's. He'd texted me since then, but it wasn't the same.

I was in the middle of nibbling on a bagel when Brittany waved the dress in my face. "Hey, Nat, it's time to put on the dress. You're walking down in about thirty minutes."

I could barely swallow the last part of the bagel. "I need to see Andrew. I haven't seen him for fifteen hours."

Angie laughed. "Natalie, you're going to see him in forty minutes. Remember?"

My voice sounded so foreign. I was on the verge of crumbling under the stress, but I was so close to the end. Two hours from now, I'd have a husband.

Brittany and Angie hid me in a small room. Angie carefully took my dress off the hanger, smoothing out its texture. I took a deep breath and gingerly slipped into it. Brittany zipped up the back and straightened my train.

I could barely see my own reflection through my thick tears. "Guys, help. I can't cry, I'm gonna ruin my makeup."

They both ran in front of me, each one holding my hand. "Hey, Natalie, it's okay," soothed Brittany, biting her lip.

Angie frantically looked for something to cheer me up. "Um...knock knock."

"Who's there?"


I wrinkled my eyebrows. "To...who?"

"To whom." She grinned. Brittany shook her head. "I thought you'd appreciate it since you were an English major and nit-picky about grammar—"

I wrapped my arms around her. "It's so stupid that it's absolutely amazing. Thanks." I hugged Brittany after her. Without them I'd be shaken out of my mind.

Haley came running into the room. "Natalie, Daddy says he needs to talk to you."

"Can it wait until after the ceremony, honey?" I turned to face her. "We're kinda not supposed to see each other."

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