Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Now that Haley was starting school and would be gone during the day, I had more free time on my hands.

Although I thought I would get my back rubbed by a stranger or spend half of my past paychecks on a new wardrobe, I couldn't pull myself away from the apartment. It comforted me way too much for my own good.

I ended up doing chores. I was bored out of my mind without Haley around. Even though she played Barbie's more than she breathed and excessively watched Disney movies, she kept me company. And definitely entertained me.

As I scrubbed the stain on the counter I discovered earlier, I heard someone fiddling with the door. It freaked me out. It couldn't be Andrew because he was working and didn't typically come home for lunch.

Someone was trying to get in.

I hadn't been in this type of situation before. I grabbed the largest knife I could find and held it in front of me.

The door swung open, and the person breaking in was a woman. And she had a key. I quickly put the knife behind my back and slapped on a smile.

At the sight of me, she jumped back. "Oh, my Lord, honey, you startled me. I didn't know Andrew was dating again. Is he here?"

I shook my head. "Andrew is not dating and he is not here. I'm Natalie, the nanny."

"Interesting." She pursed her lips. "I wasn't aware that he employed someone new."

"Who are you?" I asked, slipping the knife back into the drawer.

She covered her chest, giggling. "Oh, right. He's probably told you some awful things about me," she implied. "I'm his mother, Brandy. Does he talk about me much? Probably nothing good."

I didn't know whether to hug or slap her. First Amber and now Brandy? Which one was worse?

"He did tell me about you," I concluded.

"Anything good?" She raised an eyebrows, resembling her son. Due to my silence, she knew she had her answer. "Yeah, didn't think so. Anyway, where is my beautiful granddaughter?"

I watched as Brandy made herself at home. She knew her way around the apartment better than I did. Granted, she had been Haley's nanny before I was.

"She's at school," I finally answered. "And I don't mean this in an offensive way, but what are you doing here? Last Andrew told me, you and him aren't on good terms."

"That's exactly why I'm here." Brandy stood across from me, gripping the counter tightly while she spoke. "He is a very difficult person sometimes. When it came to Amber, he refused to side with me and Rick, his father. We thought he and Amber were just fine together. Well, look how that turned out."

I wanted her to like me, so I didn't choose to say what I was thinking. I'm sure Andrew will have plenty to say. "Maybe forcing him into the relationship didn't help."

She smiled. "He must trust you. He's told you enough that you're siding with him."

"No, I'm--"

"It's okay, dear. You're right," she admitted, holding up her hands. "Unfortunately I learned how wrong we were when it was Brittany's turn. Andrew never experienced relationships like he should have. I'm starting to think that since a good-looking guy like him isn't dating might be because he isn't good with women."

Oh, he is just fine.

"That, or he's gay."

I burst into laughter, and it after a little hesitation, Brandy joined in. An assumption like that was bizarre.

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