Chapter 26

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Omg guys I actually UPDATED something that you all have been (hopefully) looking forward to. How long has it been?... Too long.

Anyway, first two weeks of college have been heavenly. That is why my updating has been so pathetic lately. I can't promise or estimate when my next one will be, but the more used to the routine I get the less busy I will be all the time. Don't worry, you all are literally my priority, and I hate making you wait so long for updates.

Ugh, enjoy this one. There isn't much Haley (I know, it sucks), but there is Andrew and Natalie (fuck yes).

Alright, I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think in the comments! I love getting your feedback. :)


Chapter 26

Losing a parent left an important mark on their child. My father wasn't something I once had in my life and lost unexpectedly; he chose to leave my mother and I behind. My mother, however, was there for every step of the way. No, she wasn't the perfect parent all the time and, while we were on the subject, she wasn't always the most affectionate, but she loved me. She took care of me. She made me the person I was today.

And now she was gone.

As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I saw her in my face. Everything about my face reminded me of her. Only I was just now recognizing it.

I slipped on the necklace she gave me for my sixteenth birthday, which was a replica of the jewelry Carrie Bradshaw wore in Sex and the City, except it said 'Natalie' in thick silver letters. It cost her a fortune to buy, so she said. Using her obnoxious hand gestures and woeful tone, she explained its lavishly cut diamond structure and hand crafted letters, which was why it was so expensive. I loved jewelry, though; it could have been made out of cardboard and I wouldn't have cared.

Now this necklace wasn't the only valuable treasure I had in my possession. My eyes darted to the ring on my finger and my stomach twisted. The person who gave it to me was the only thing keeping me from losing my sanity.

"Wait, what's that guy's name?" asked Haley from the living room.

"That's Bruton."


"No, Bruton," corrected Andrew, "and the meaner guy's name is Kron, remember? How long has it been since you've seen this movie?" replied Andrew.

"I've never seen it, Daddy."

"What? Yes, you have...haven't you? Well, you're watching it now."

I'd curled my hair, put on a gentle coat of makeup and dressed in my finest black. I changed multiple times throughout the morning, determined to find the perfect outfit for the occasion. The way I dressed was important; today was all about honoring my mother.

After several minutes of deciding my outfit was funeral-worthy, I finally stepped out of the bedroom and made my way to the kitchen. It smelled of pancakes and syrup. Haley was sitting at the table, eyes fixed on the movie Dinosaur, which apparently she had never seen before. Andrew, however, was flipping pancakes, smiling crookedly at me.

He raised an eyebrow. "D'you want a pancake, Nat?"

Despite the terrible meaning this day had, something as simple as my fiancé's dazzling smile was enough to lift my spirits. "No, thanks. I'll just make a cup of coffee."

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