Chapter 20

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Wow, sorry. Me updating has sort of become the same thing as a Bigfoot sighting (it rarely happens).

Well I am officially a senior and have MUCH more time on my hands. Junior year was hell. Literally.

This isn't very eventful, but you meet a very important person that I don't like at all (for reasons that are obvious--he's mean to my baby).

Enjoy, lovely readers and comments! Tell me what you think!


Chapter 20

Three hours after the ceremony, there was a reception held at the home of a friend of Ben's parents. He lived in the suburbs of New York and his house, in the least, was monolithic.

Haley ran around with Dylan, Ben's nephew and the ring bearer. There weren't many children at the wedding-only adults and their teenage kids who looked bored out of their minds.

Andrew grabbed my hand tightly. "You don't need to be nervous about anything," he whispered.

"How did you know I'm nervous?"

"I can just tell." He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "I know you don't know a lot of these people, but I'll introduce you and won't let you out of my sight."

I felt comfortable in his arms; he kept me safe. "It's unfortunate that, with the exception of a few, the only people I know I'm not very fond with."

He chuckled. "Mom, Dad, Amber can count as five people-"

I squeezed his arm. "She's still in love with you, you know? I can see it." He shook his head in dismissal. "I'm serious, Andrew. She's determined to win you back somehow."

He faced me, the sincerest of smiles plastered on his face. "I don't care, Nat. That relationship was in the past. The one we have is my present, and hopefully the future. If that's okay with you."

All my nerves concerning Andrew's dedication to me disappeared then. If only we weren't in a public place. I wanted to show him just how much he meant to me, but my method wasn't appropriate.

I pressed my lips to his quickly. "I love you, Andrew."

"I love you, too." He sighed deeply, touching my waist. "If only we were in a more private place..."

"If only..."

Julian placed his body in between us and got super close to me. "Alright, we need to set some ground rules for you two."

Andrew grabbed Julian's wrist and pulled him away, crossing his arms.

"You are old, Andrew, you should not be thinking about undressing her in a public place." He widened his eyes. "Especially with children around. Honestly, do you know anything?"

"Julian, you do know that you're just two years away from being, quote, 'old,' as well, right?"

Angie stood by my side, not taking her eyes off Julian. He was attractive-blonde hair and blue eyes was her type. Not to mention his sense of humor that was childish and charming at the same time.

Andrew held my hand again as he and Julian argued over what age was officially called old. "Obviously if you're considered a senior citizen, you're old."

"You're old when you have children," defended Julian.

"So I've been old since I was twenty three?"

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