Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"You what?"

I had just confessed to Angie that I loved Andrew. It wasn't something I was happy about, but at the same time I couldn't help it.

"Am I hearing you correctly?" She slammed her coffee cup down on the table. "Damn it, Nattie. Why can't you just meet total jerks?"

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, even though I was far from not wanting to be in love with Andrew. "You know how he is."

"Yeah, he's amazing," she grumbled. "And now you have to go to Disney World with him. What an awkward situation."

"Very awkward, indeed." Every time I looked at Andrew I thought about how deeply I felt for him and the intensity of my confession. I couldn't love another one of my bosses. I was beginning to question my morals. If some random stranger and I went on a date, would I ever grow to love him? If the stranger became my boss, based on my love interests, he probably would have been ten times hotter.

I only wanted what I clearly couldn't have.

I covered my face. "How am I going to do this? I mean, you'll be there with me, but--"

Angie coughed up a mouthful of decaffeinated coffee. "Excuse me, I'll be what?"

"Andrew said I could bring a plus one. You interested?"

"Well, yeah, totally!" she shouted. "Thanks for the invite, dude. This is why I love you dearly, best friend."

I felt so sick to my stomach that I only took one small drink from my coffee. "You're welcome, but you have to keep me in line. Every time we're alone we seem to get closer and closer."

Angie pursed her lips. "I get what you're saying, babe, but isn't Andrew everything you've wanted?"

He is.

"Yes," I sighed. "He is."


Planning a large trip like Disney World was stressful, but Andrew was already stressed, so his hair was basically turning grey.

Yesterday I found him creating a spreadsheet in his office. He had every minute of the trip planned out, even an estimate of how long we'd be on the plane. I mean, I knew he flew more than everyone else, but it was crazy how accurate he was.

Brittany and Ben showed up to the apartment with their bags. Brittany rolled her eyes. "Okay, Clarke, what is this spreadsheet?"

"I just wrote down everything we want to do and organized it into times that work. Now we don't have to worry about not doing absolutely everything in that park," he explained.

I laughed, scanning the spreadsheet. "You're only giving us forty-five minutes to eat dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, we can eat fast, can't we? I thought you guys would want to go to the beach before it gets too dark--"

"Bro, stop stressing. This is a vacation. A stress-free vacation. Okay?" Brittany picked up the spreadsheet and ripped it in half, nearly doing the same to Andrew. "Just let the vacation work itself out."

He shook his head. "I don't think you understand how much work went into that guide, Brit."

Angie walked in the door five minutes later, looking absolutely exhausted. "Sorry to say this, but he elevator's broken and the stairs are a killer. Why did you have to live this high up, Andrew? Seriously, it's exhausting."

He chuckled and placed his hands on his hips, looking like the king of the world. "Well, since everyone is here, we can get to the airport a little early."

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