Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Several days had passed since Andrew and I's almost kiss. Being around him was getting easier, especially now that both of us agreed to forget about the whole thing. This way, there was no tension.


The mornings before Andrew left were always my favorite part of the day. He was a morning person, and I found that absolutely crazy. If I slept as little as he did, the morning would be my enemy. I got plenty of sleep and I already hated getting out of bed.

"Haley, how do you want your eggs? Fried or scrambled?"

Resembling Andrew, she furrowed her eyebrows. "Scrambled. That way I can put ketchup on them."

I nearly gagged at the image of ketchup on my eggs, but it was her preference. Which I guessed she also got from Andrew. I knew little about Amber's true self, but based on what I already knew about her, Haley hardly got any of her attributes. The blonde hair was the only noticeable exception.

"Does your dad want them scrambled and with ketchup, too?"

She nodded, opening the refrigerator and grabbing the ketchup. I loved ketchup, don't get me wrong, but not with eggs.

Andrew was in the process of tying his tie when he walked into the kitchen. "Are you making eggs?"

"Yep. Scrambled," I responded, keeping my eyes on the eggs. Ever since the night we almost kissed, all I could think about was what would have happened if Haley hadn't woken up. Would he have kissed me anyway?

Imagine how awkward that would have been if he had...

"Is it Friday?" he asked, standing next to me as I made the eggs.

"Yeah." I laughed. "Thank God, right?"

"Definitely," he said, still tying his tie. "Can you help me with this? It's not cooperating this morning."

So I tied his tie. As I did so, scenes from Up ran through my head. I remembered that, as the years went by, Ellie still had to tie Carl's tie. I also remembered bawling my eyes out in the first ten minutes. "There. I think I did it right."

He smiled, picking up a scrambled egg and slipping it in his mouth. I slapped his hand and moved in front of him. "Stop eating them. They aren't done yet."

He smiled again.

I watched Haley walk over to the built in stereo system and scroll through the large selection of music. What was she up to?

Then, Hot in Herre by Nelly blew through the speakers. That's right, I thought, she said Andrew liked this song.

Andrew viciously laughed. "YES. You ready to dance, Hales?"

Haley ran over to him and grabbed his hands. "It's your part first, remember?"

"Of course I remember."

While they began their obviously choreographed routine, I took out my phone and taped them. I had to have something to refer to when I was upset. Andrew dancing to a rap song could cheer anyone up.

"It's gettin' hot in here. So take off all you clothes," he sang, laughing at Haley.

Haley shook her hips. "I am gettin' so hot, I wanna take my clothes off."

I giggled silently. This was, by a landslide, the funniest sight to see.

"Hey, Natalie's videotaping us!" Haley screamed.

Andrew stopped dancing and approached me. I took off, hiding behind the counter. "Give it here, Natalie, or there will be serious consequences."

"Like what?"

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