Chapter 24

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AHH YOU GUYS! I'm so sorry for the heart-retching cliffhanger! I can tell by the comments on the last chapter that you guys are super excited for the update.

Well, I hope you enjoy! :D


Chapter 24

My voice got caught in my throat. It stuck there for many seconds. I was scared he thought I was debating the answer, but I knew it.

Tears formed on the brims of my eyelashes, making my vision of my handsome boyfriend blurred. My hands gripped his head, pulling his mouth on mine. There weren't enough emotions in the world to describe my happiness.

"Yes," I said loudly. "Yes, yes, yes."

He tackled me excitedly, kissing every part of my face. "I love you, Natalie. I love you so much. And I know I'm not on one knee so I'll understand if you want me to do that, but I'm kind of, you know, naked."

I giggled, covering my mouth. "I don't care that you're not on one knee. Do it or don't do it, I don't care. My answer is yes, no matter what."

The four hours of guaranteed alone time were running low. We had spent almost two hours in bed fooling around; it was time to get up and eat something before Haley came home.

But I couldn't draw my gaze away from Andrew—specifically his left hand. I wasn't sure when yet, but his ring finger would be decorated with a ring, one that promised himself to me. Me. All of this was a lot to handle for one night.

Accepting this job had done great things for me.

While Andrew prepared the spaghetti carbonara, he instructed me to visit his history tab on his laptop. For a moment I was scared—he was a guy, after all—at what I'd come across. But it was a website full of rings.

He stood by me and moved the cursor to marked selections. Sure enough, he had saved four rings in a folder. "Jesus," I muttered.

Every single one of them was beautiful. The first one was silver, a large diamond nesting on the top. A swirled binding circled around the diameter of the ring. It was dazzling. Even after looking at the other three, that was where my eyes went first.

"See any you like?" he curiously asked.

I didn't want to say so yet. There were hundreds of stores—thousands more rings—that could have been better than this one.

"Not sure," I said, squinting at the screen. "Wait, something's missing. Where are the prices?"

He laughed, leaning his head against mine. "You really think I'm that stupid? I'm not letting my future wife see the price of her ring. Besides, the cost doesn't matter. This is worthwhile. Yes, it's a bit overpriced, but not to the point where no one buys them."

I rolled my eyes. "The cost does matter, Andrew. I don't want to make you go broke."

"I won't go broke, Nat. At least not from a ring." His thumb took over on the keypad and mouse. "You don't have to pick right now, but if you see one you like, we can reserve one in the store and go down there to get it. Together. In case you change your mind last minute."

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