Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I chose to wear a purple knee-length dress to Brittany's wedding. It was the simplest piece of clothing I had.

Haley was the flower girl in the wedding, her attire was specific to Brittany's instructions: pink fluffy dress and a bow to match. It was unbelievable, but Haley didn't like wearing dresses at all. She fought Andrew and I when we put it on her.

"Now, squirt, the most important thing to remember is not to trip," instructed Andrew.

Haley crossed her arms. "I won't trip, Dad. I'm not clumsy."

Andrew preceded to tell Haley about the time Brittany was a bridesmaid at her friend's wedding and fell halfway down the aisle. Thankfully for her, the groomsman she was paired with caught her before she face-planted in front of everyone. Andrew laughed telling the story, but all I could focus on was how embarrassing that would have been for Brittany.

"Hopefully that doesn't happen to her today," I said.

He chuckled. "I'd feel bad, but that won't stop me from laughing."

We rode in Andrew's car to the wedding in order to avoid the crazy cab driver's we've been paired with the past couple of times. One was so weird Andrew forced the driver to stop the cab so we could walk the rest of the way.

I had never ridden in Andrew's car yet. In fact, I didn't even know he owned a car. Most city people either walked or took cabs.

The wedding was located at Shelter Rock Church located near Long Island. I had never been there before, either. Before I met Andrew my life was very uneventful.

Andrew sensed that I was nervous and grabbed my hand. Why was I anxious about a wedding I didn't play any part in?

The parking was a bit limited, to Andrew's dismay, so he found a spot in the grass. Haley jumped out of the car quickly and, because she wasn't watching where she was hopping, stepped in a mud pile.

"Uh oh."

Andrew closed his eyes. It was the first time I saw that he was sincerely upset at her. "Haley Paige," he growled, crouching beside her.

She did not like being chewed out. "I'm sorry, Daddy, I didn't purposely do it. The mud was just...there."

I covered my mouth to hide my laughter. "At least it didn't get on your dress."

Andrew carried her across the grass and set her down when we got inside. "We need to clean you off."

"I can take her to the bathroom," I suggested. I was just doing my job, but Andrew took it seriously. He smiled and gently pushed Haley in my direction. "Come on, Hales, let's find the bathroom."

When we did, I lifted her up and placed her feet in the sink. It might have been "unsanitary," but there were no baby wipes for me to use. I ran warm water down her ankles and used paper towels to wipe the mud off her feet.

"I'm sorry I got dirty," she whispered.

I stopped the water and looked at her. "Oh, it's okay, honey. It happens." I tapped her nose and she giggled.

"You know what, Natalie?"


"I'm so glad you're here." She leaned her head on my shoulder. "I love you, Natalie."

She'd said it before, but she was half asleep the first time those words escaped her mouth. I held her close and kissed her head. "I love you, too, Haley."

I quickly dried off her feet and put her shoes back on her feet. "Brittany's probably wondering where you are."

Haley held my hand while we weaved through the crowd and made it to the bride's room. Brittany took one look at Haley and gasped. "There's my little flower girl! Are you excited?"

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