Chapter 15

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Okay...I feel like I must tell you lovely readers that this was my favorite chapter to write. Not only because I love Disney World and describing the park, but Andrew's character is amazing.

Enjoy ;D


Chapter 15

Haley nearly fell out of her and Andrew's bed the next morning, she was so stoked about meeting her idols. She woke Andrew up at seven-thirty. Her voice woke up the whole apartment.

"Dad, we're late! We have to go out there!" she yelled.

"Shh, Haley, everyone is still sleeping. I know you're excited, but you have to use your inside voice," he said.

"Kill joy."

"Excuse me?" he barked. "Maybe you should just go back to bed instead of having a fun day, young lady."

Ben and Brittany crawled out of their room after Angie and I. "Haley, you aren't excited, are you?" Brittany grinned.

"I get to meet Tiana!" She hugged my waist, giggling. "Dad, hurry up and get dressed so we can leave!"

Andrew held up his arms. "Alright, bossy."

At Haley's request, we all ate a quick breakfast. She claimed she couldn't eat anything because she was so nervous, but Andrew forced her to nibble on an apple.

Angie had been here before, so she decided to go all out. She wore a Mickey Mouse shirt and shoes with Mickey's ears attached. I looked her up and down.

"What?" she hissed, crossing her arms. "I like Mickey Mouse. Go ahead and judge me."

I laughed. "What's next, a Mickey Mouse headband?"

She rolled her eyes. "Like you don't have a Disney side."

"I left it in New York," I joked.

I thought our encounter was done, but she discreetly pulled me into the kitchen. "No misbehaving this weekend."

"Misbehaving?" If she meant not getting arrested, I couldn't make any promises. I'd never been to Disney World before.

She raised her eyebrows. "You know what I mean. I saw you and You-Know-Who on the plane, and no, I'm not referencing Harry Potter. You can't date another boss."

"I was half asleep," I claimed. "I won't misbehave, I promise."

"Okay." Angie adjusted her Mickey Mouse shoes and, before joining the group again, said, "Just so I'm being clear"--she nodded to Andrew--"he didn't push you away. That's why you need to be careful."

I wanted to roll my eyes, but unfortunately I couldn't. In some screwed up way, even though I was in love with Andrew, Angie was right. I adored my job and lived super comfortably with the lifestyle I had going. Flirting with the boss would ruin everything I'd done to earn Andrew's trust.

Then again, what if Andrew actually wanted to be with me? What would I do then?

Haley broke me from me from my tangled thoughts. "Natalie, we're leaving. Aren't you excited?"

I saw the twinkle in her eyes, nothing but pure joy taking over her small body. "I'm so excited, Hales. What princess are you going to meet first?"

This was a rather tough question for her. "Um...Tiana. Or Rapunzel."

"Good choice with Tiana," Angie butted in. Haley blinked at her. "She's my all-time favorite princess."

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