Chapter 3: Food - Part 1

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- Y/N POV -

Loki's head whipped around to look at me and gave me a small smile while the door slowly opened and revealed the God of Thunder. Loki looked back at him and glared, clearly not wanting him to enter.

"Brother, what is going on?" He asked, my eyes changing from e/c to blood-red. Loki looked back at me and stared into my eyes, then gave me an 'it will be alright' look. Then looked back over to the other god.

"Fine," Loki said

"Yes!" Thor whispered, Loki might not have been able to hear it, but I certainly can with or without being in my wolf form.

"BUT," Loki continued with a killer glare for the God of Thunder. "I will only go down to get her," He gestured to me. "some food then come back to my chambers." Loki finished while still glaring at Thor, Thor nodded and then walked out of the room with a confident stride.

Loki looked down at me and asked "Can you stay in my chambers?" with a little bit of concern in his voice. It's one thing for an Alpha to want to keep an Omega safe from danger, it's another thing to keep an Omega in one room because you want to keep them all to themselves. But I don't think that's the case here, I think he just wants to make sure I stay safe and out of harm, I nodded and jumped onto the little stool that is on the end of his bed, about three feet long, and has a gold outline.

Then got back into my laying position and layed my head in the crook between my arms. Loki got up from his spot on his bed and placed his book on the nightstand beside it. He seemed disappointed that he had to leave his spot and get food, he walked over to the door and then looked back at me with a small smile then left and shut the door quietly guessing that I might be trying to sleep.


She looks peaceful while sleeping. I wonder why she was in the woods all alone, and why she is not with a pack. I know very little about wolves, maybe I could find some books and find out more about her and her kind.

Once I closed the door, I made a dash for the kitchen to grab the food. All of the Avengers were there, and all eyes were on me. I tilted my head up and walked over to my spot then grabbed the plate, I also noted that there was raw meat on a plate on the floor. I looked over to my oaf of a brother and he gave me a nervous smile probably trying to figure out what I would do next once I saw it. I glared at him and he made a motion with his head pointing towards Stark, I looked over at him and he looked proud of himself. I grabbed the plate just in case, and headed back upstairs I heard some laughing and chattering.

When I made it back up to my chambers I saw her in the same position as I left her in, I smiled. Then I placed my plate on my desk and the other in front of her. Once I did she opened her eyes and looked at the food, then to me, then the food again.

"Go on ahead, it's for you." I said, she licked it and her eyes lit up. I chuckled then went over to my food.

Once I finished my food I looked over to the little Omega and she looked to be sleeping, it's a normal thing for Omegas to do especially on a day that they have to do a lot of hard work. And moving places/homes, I know what that feels like and I am still not fully willing to be around the Avengers.

After I finished my food I looked over to the little Omega, still sleeping. I smiled and looked at the clock.


I got up from my chair by my desk and walked over to my bed, and grabbed my plate along with hers. I walked over to my bed and teleported the plates into the kitchen, then I got on my bed and continued reading my book.

- Y/N POV -

I woke up and looked over to Loki's bed and saw Loki in a sitting position with his back against the headboard a book on his lap. I got up and stretched, then I looked over and saw a full-length mirror. I stared at it for a full minute and saw my wolf form. Soon I looked over and saw that Loki was slowly waking up, my stomach grumbled I heard a chuckle and looked over at Loki again and saw Loki with a small smile on his face.

"Would you like to go and get breakfast?" Loki asked, I nodded. Loki got up and put his book down on his bed, then he gestured for me to follow him, so I did and we made our way over to the kitchen.

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