Chapter 10: Movie Night

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I sighed once Thor left my chambers, Y/n hopped off my lap. I swung my legs over my bed and got up, my little Omega started to tug on the bottom of my pants. Showing me that she was excited, like her tail waging was not enough.

I smiled when Y/n kept tugging on the bottom of my pants, I chuckled at her puppy-like behavior. She shrank to about one foot. I picked her up in my arms and she started to lick my cheek, I chuckled once more and petted her while I made sure that I held her secure in my arms.

I made my way into the moving box and pressed the button that takes us to the living area. I put her down while in the moving box, Puppy whined and got on her hind legs then she started to claw (without her claws) at my pants. I chuckled and petted her, while the box went down to the living room.

When the box's door's open I saw the entire team gathered in the living room around the TV.

I made my way over to a free armchair, I sat down only to have my little Omega hop onto my lap and start to lick my neck (seeming to be trying to lick my lips). I tried to hold in a laugh but somehow one managed to slip out, now all eyes were on me and the Omega that is licking everywhere from my collar bone to my bottom lip.

I picked her up, then put her down in front of the chair that I am sitting on. Y/n looked around at the rest of the team, my Puppy then walked in front of the bird, he picked her up and put her on his lap. Then she walked in front of each one of them, almost like she was judging them.

After she finished 'judging' them, she came back over to me and I put her on my lap. Then she licked me one more time before she sat down and they started the movie.

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