Chapter 8: Wolf Books

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Once I made it to the library, I looked at the mostly empty shelves. Usually, I would not come here unless I don't have a certain book, this time I do not have a single book in my chambers about wolves. I sighed as I exited the moving box, and headed for the shelves.

I mumbled the different book titles and I quickly scanned them, not wanting to leave Y/n alone for too long. I am scared for her safety without me being there to protect her. "Charlotte's Web... Ocean Animals What Are Mammals... AH, finally a book about Wolves." I sighed in relief as I made my way back up to my chambers.

Once I made it to my chambers I saw that the door was still closed, just like I left it. I quietly opened my door and peeked inside to see if my little Omega was still sleeping.

I do know a few things about wolves like; they have different statics (Alpha, Beta, and Omega), there are different types of wolves, and that's about it.

I sneaked in and headed to my bed, when Y/n felt the bed move she moved closer to me. Snuggling against my side, I heard her make the noise again I looked at her with a confusing look she did nothing in response but just cuddled closer.

I smiled and started to read 'About Wolves', as I read the book I noticed that Y/n was slowly waking up. The book has so much information including; the more amount of wolves in the world, their type of family (canine), what to feed wolves to help them grow, more information about Alphas, Betas, Omegas, and much more.

Once my little Omega woke up, she saw that I was reading about wolves. I petted her, wanting her to fall back asleep.

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