Chapter 21: Questions

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"Why is she frowning?" Thor asks, I sigh. Pulling my darling Puppy closer to my body and making sure that her head is resting on a comfortable spot on my body. Thor slowly got up from the floor while saying, "Is she ok, Brother?"

"We were cuddling in her dreams, when you came in I left her subconscious mind, that and the sudden noise must have been what's making her nervous," I explain. How can this idiot not know that always being loud is not a good thing? Honestly. I scoff and roll my eyes, Puppy starts stirring in my arms, she must be waking up.

"A-Alpha?" Puppy asks in a tired voice, I smile sweetly at her. I pet her hair, my hand brushing against her ears as I bring her head back down into the crook between my neck and shoulder.

"Shh Puppy, Thor interrupted your nap as soon as I got him to leave, we can return to our nap, how does that sound?" I suggest in a warm, calm voice.

He's talking to me like I'm three years old who's trying to negotiate with their guardian, that's funny. Puppy thought, giggling at the end of her thought, I chuckle and lightly shake my head.

"I'm talking to you like this because you're still tired," I explain, By the Gods, I adore her, so, so much. She giggled again, nodding her head slightly, licking my skin a few times before resting her head against my body and falling into a light sleep. I look back at my brother and see his confused face.

"What?" I ask, he shakes his head before answering my question.

"I have multiple questions," Thor started, I rolled my eyes.

"Get on with it,"

"One, why are you and Lady Y/n shirtless?"

"She was feeling too warm and my shirt wasn't helping, she also asked me to take it off," I explain, closing my eyes as I wait for Thor to ask his next question. "...Well, motioned for me to take it off,"

"Alright. Two, what do you mean when you said that you left her subconscious mind?"

This idiot.

"Your brain is quite busy while you sleep, sorting and storing information from the day. When you're asleep, your mind does not shut down as Father and Mother told us when we were children. It temporarily sends your consciousness to a different part of the brain. Since you're not completely conscious while this is happening, we call it 'subconsciousness'. I left my Puppy's subconscious mind when you crashed into mine and Puppy's room," I explained, holding my darling close to my body.


"How many questions do you have?" I interrupted him, opening an eye.

"Many," Thor said, I sigh.

"Continue," I wave to him to continue like I would a servant back in Asgard.

As Thor continued to ask his questions, I would answer as many as I could to get him out of my room as soon as possible. Sadly, it took longer than expected, Thor even asked questions about werewolves.

Eventually, Thor left but by then my Puppy was already awake and cuddling into my side. Puppy looked up at me with the most innocent look I have ever seen.

"Alpha?" Puppy asked, I kissed her forehead.


"Why was Thor asking questions?"

"He was... I don't know Puppy, I don't know," I sigh, Puppy nuzzles her nose into my cheek and giggles. She leaned closer and kissed my cheek, I smile at her and nudge her lips off my cheek.

"Hey!" Puppy pouted, I chuckle and grab her chin with my thumb and index finger.

"You want to kiss something?" I ask in a teasing tone, she nods her head. I pull her head closer and whisper into her adorable wolf ear, "Kiss my lips, Puppy,"

When I pulled away, I saw her instantly blush crimson red at my words. The tips of her ears brushed against her hair, her tail wagging in a shy pattern, and her cheeks painted with pink. I smirk, knowing that I won this round of our flirting game.

"That is if you want to..." I say, looking away, normally I wouldn't be nervous or shy around people but I have never experienced love. I have fucked, that's how I'm a natural at it, but I never made love before and I am hoping that Puppy will be my first to make love with. Puppy re-enters reality and tries to kiss my other cheek, I turn my head and our lips meet. I hear her purring as she smiles into the kiss, I smile back, grabbing the nape of her neck lightly, not wanting to hurt her.

When we pulled away, Puppy stares at me through her lashes with the most adorably innocent look. I tilted my head back and close my eyes, not being able to look into those hypnotizing e/c eyes without wanting to take her. Norns, I can't wait... I need her, I can feel myself getting hard.

"Alpha? Are you ok?" Puppy asked, my eyes flickered to hers before my eyelids closed once more.

"Yes," I answer, I look down at her again and see her worried face. I smile down at her, moving her off of my obvious erection and to sit on my abdomen. "Why do you ask, Puppy?" I inquire her, and she snuggled closer, nudging her nose behind my ear. I can feel her warm breath being pushed against my cold skin before flying somewhere else in the room.

"I was worried, I don't want my Alpha sad," She whispered, I hummed in response. I would have nodded but I fear that if I did then she would get hurt. I know not how, but I know that that could happen.

"I'm honoured that you're worried about me and my feelings, Puppy. But you don't have to worry when you're here I will always be happy," I whisper, and she nods lightly against my skin.

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