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Leader        Bravestar - Pale tortoiseshell tom ; green eyes

Deputy        Strongstripe - Blue-gray she-cat with black stripes ; jade eyes

Medicine Cat    Nestleberry - Young, dark brown she-cat ; orange eyes

Warriors    (toms and she-cats without kits)

    Bloodclaw - Large black tom with white tail tip ; odd, reddish brown eyes

    Lightwing - Pale ginger tom ; yellow eyes
            Apprentice, Spotpaw

            Leaffall - Beautiful she-cat with grayish green fur and brown stripes ; blue eyes
    Blackwing - Tom with a jet black pelt ; yellow eyes

    Stripeback - White tom with black stripes on his back ; yellow eyes

            Apprentice, Barleypaw

            Brindleeye - Large gray tom with dark gray stripe on back, tail and left front paw ; brown

            Shredtooth - A scarred tan she-cat with a black tail tip ; yellow eyes

            Apprentice, Skypaw

            Frostspots - A white she-cat with light gray patches ; deep blue eyes

            Cedarleaf - A brown tom with light brown back
legs and a slight overbite ; orange eyes

            Stormcloud - Large dark gray tom with black spots and a stub tail ; dark blue eyes

Apprentices    (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

    Barleypaw - Ginger she-cat ; orange eyes

    Spotpaw - Dark gray slender tom with black spots ; blue eyes

    Skypaw - Light gray-blue she-cat ; jade eyes

Queens    (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

    Rainstripe - Dark ginger she-cat with light silver stripe going down back and tail ; green
eyes (Kits: Willowkit, Dappledkit and Splashkit)

Hawkwing - Reddish-orange she-cat ; oldest nursery queen ; green eyes (Kits: Goldkit, Birdkit, Snowkit and Toothkit)

Spottedclaw - Jet black she-cat with white spots mostly located on her tail ; blue eyes (Kit: Icekit)

           Cherrypool - Light brown she-cat with white and dark brown splotches ; green eyes (Kits:
Direkit and Fawnkit)

Elders        (former warriors and queens, now retired)

    Brambleberry - Brown tabby tom, former medicine cat ; diluted green eyes

    Goreclaw - Black tom with white tail tip and paws ; odd, reddish brown eyes

    Flamefur - Ginger she-cat ; vivid blue eyes

    Scartail - White tom with half a tail and many battle scars ; gray eyes

    Stonefur - Dark gray she-cat, oldest cat in Thunderclan ; orange eyes


Leader        Lizardstar - Greenish-gray tom

Deputy        Blacktail - Tabby tom with a black tail

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