Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

    Willowbounce heaved with the effort of another contraction. Her claws slid out and pierced her mossy bed, going straight through and scraping the dirt ground below. She growled with effort, the pain rippling through her body.
    "Good job Willowbounce, your doing great..." Greenfur said. It had been three moons since Thunderclan had come back to camp, and Willowbounce was in the middle of giving birth. Greenpaw had been made a full medicine cat, as well as Stormpaw, who had been named Stormberry. Icefoot was pacing outside the nursery nervously, she could hear his pawsteps outside. Willowbounce gave a big push as she gritted her teeth.
    "Good job! You've got a kit out!" Stormberry chimed. She craned her neck to look at her new kit. It looked pearly gray with ginger forelegs, tail and muzzle. Her son put the little kit by her stomach to nurse after he cleaned it.
    "It's a she-kit." He said as Willowbounce turned her head straight again. Mountainpelt, who was sitting in front of her, gave her another stick to bite, though she had easily bit through two already. Willowbounce took the stick in her jaws and bit down hard as she felt another contraction. Great Starclan, how much longer is this going to take!? Willowbounce thought as pain seared through her body like her fur was on fire. She wanted this to be over! Willowbounce gave a big push, biting the stick hard and snapping it in her huge fangs. Mountainpelt took away the two broken pieces.
    "Almost there Willowbounce...just a little more!" Greenfur said, trying to encourage the she-cat. Willowbounce panted as sweat gathered on her pelt. Willowbounce gave one final push, using all her effort.
    "All done Willowbounce! It's out!" Stormberry said. Willowbounce let her head fall to her nest, not even having the energy to turn and look at her new kits.
    "It's another she-kit." Greenfur said. Willowbounce tried to slow her breathing so she would regain some of her energy.
    "L..Let" Willowbounce heaved through her deep breaths. Mountainpelt got to his paws and padded out of the nursery. A few heartbeats later Icefoot came trotting in. He laid down beside her gently, not wanting to jostle her.
    "You did great Willowbounce.." He murmured to her. She managed to smile at him, her ice blue eyes dull from exhaustion. The rest of the camp was quiet because it was night, and everyone was asleep. As soon as Willowbounce had started feeling contractions, Hawkwing had raced to the medicine den to get the medicine cats. Then she retrieved Icefoot, though they didn't want him in the nursery while she was giving birth in case he got in the way.
    Willowbounce leaned against her mate while she laid there, allowing her to see her kits. The last kit Willowbounce hadn't seen was white with black and ginger patches. Their perfect..She thought, her breath finally caught again.
    "So, what would you like to name them?" Stormberry inquired. Willowbounce thought for a moment.
    "I'll let Icefoot name the first kit." She said at last. Icefoot's ears perked.
    "The first kit born was this one." Greenfur pointed with his tail to the kit with the pearly gray pelt.  Icefoot stayed silent for a moment as he thought of a name.
    "I'll name her...Lilackit." He said. Lilackit..what a pretty name..Willowbounce thought. Willowbounce purred and gave Icefoot a lick on his muzzle affectionately. He licked her back, then briefly touched noses with her.
    "Now for the last kit, what will you name her?" Stormberry asked. Willowbounce stared at the kit as she tried to think of something.
    "I'll name her Rainkit." She said at last. A smile resided on Willowbounces muzzle as she looked down at her suckling kits.
    "They're beautiful.." She murmured. Willowbounce finally allowed herself to slip into sleep after she ate some borage to help with her milk. She enjoyed the feeling of leaning against Icefoot's soft fur as she slowly drifted off.

    Willowbounces eyes fluttered open slowly as she began to wake. Her stomach felt sore from last night, but it wasn't too bad. She turned her gaze down to her kits who were sleeping beside her. She smiled gently at them, though they were still asleep. Willowbounce then noticed as she slowly turned her head that her tail was entwined with another. It was Icefoots. She swiveled her ears to point behind her, and sure enough she heard the toms gentle breaths come and go. Willowbounce laid her head back down so her head was next to his. She felt herself blush like she always did when she was so close to him. Everything is ok...we are ok. We are safe..She thought as a blade of sunlight cut in through the top of the nursery, warming Willowbounces pelt against the cold, leafbare chill outside. For the first time in a long time, Willowbounce felt serene, like nothing was wrong. She didn't have to worry about Deathclan, the Dark Forest, Birdclaw or Direpaw. They were all the least of her concerns right now. Right now she was with Icefoot, laying in the nursery with their new kits.

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