Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

    It had been two moons since Spottails death now. Willowpaw and her fellow apprentices, not including Fiercepaw, had been made into warriors! Willowpaw, now Willowbounce, was heavily swollen with her kits now, and each day it was getting harder and harder to perform her warrior tasks. Icepaw, now Icefoot, had begun to get increasingly worried about her.
    "Willowbounce, I really think you should stay in the nursery or at least pretend to be sick and stay in the medicine den." He had begged her previously. Though these were extremely appealing to her, Willowbounce wanted to maintain her image of not expecting. Our clanmates can't know..not yet..She had thought to herself.

    As Willowbounce came out of the warriors' den that morning, Icefoot helping her maneuver with the extra weight, Bravestar was already calling a clan meeting. As they padded near the back of the crowd this time, Willowbounce too exhausted to move any further, she thought of the kits in the nursery. Her and Icefoot had gotten the chance to meet each of them in their turn. Spottedclaw had actually been the mother of Fiercepaw and Mountainpaw, though she gave birth in the forest and had lost the kits. Thankfully they had found their way to the thorn tunnel, where her and Icefoot took them to Nestleberry and reunited with their mother soon enough. Hawkwing had given birth a little while before Leaffall and had Tailkit. Bravestar raised his voice for his clan to hear him.
    "Bloodclaw, some other warriors, Goreclaw and the apprentice Toothpaw are gone, they, err, they were taken hostage and killed by the rogue Otter. I saw it all, it was awful." Leaffall had just finished announcing, then padded back down into the crowd from the high ledge. ...That's very odd. I don't think she's telling the truth, since Bloodclaw is working with Otter, or he was as far as I know... Willowbounce thought.
    "I have some bad news. Last night Nestleberry received a sign from Starclan. She shall tell you what she saw." He started. Oh no, I got a bad feeling..She thought, her heart dropping as she listened to her leader.
    "Starclan's message was a yellow leaf that fell and landed in a shadow. I am afraid that means Shadowclan will attack us and crush us." Nestleberry announced from the edge of the medicine den. Willowbounce's eyes widened in fear. I'm in no condition to fight! She whimpered a little, leaning her head against Icefoot's chest.
    "Don't worry, they won't hurt you or our kits.." Icefoot murmured in her ears. Willowbounce relaxed a bit, but jumped as a large horde or cats rushed in through the thorn tunnel. In the name of the Dark Forest, please no. She thought, getting to her paws along with the rest of her clanmates. Bloodclaw was at the head of the group. Icefoot began to back away, trying to get himself and her away from the front of the Thunderclan group. Willowbounce heard Bravestar speaking to Bloodclaw as he padded to the front of the group of his clanmates. As Icefoot and her slunk away to the back of the camp, she saw the queens taking their kits to the nursery, namely Hawkwing and Leaffall. The other queens stayed in the middle of camp, the fur on every cat's neck rising as they prepared for battle. Willowbounce felt the tension on the air as Icefoot tucked her away behind a bush near the elders' den.
    "Stay here and yowl for help if you need me ok?" Icefoot said as the two groups launched into battle behind him. Willowbounce nodded vigorously.
    "Icefoot please be careful!" She said as he turned tail to run into battle. He was soon lost from her view among all the fighting cats. Willowbounce tried to make herself as small as she could in her spot behind the bush, wrapping her tail around herself for comfort. I should be out there! Fighting beside my clanmates and clawing the fur off those mangy flea-brained traitors! Willowbounce thought frustratedly. She gasped a little as Stripeback locked eyes with her from the battle area. He bounded up to her, stopping just in front of her muzzle. His claws and paws were a little bloody, staining the tom's white fur. Willowbounce flattened her ears and hissed.
    "Get away from me Stripeback! You traitor!" She growled at him. He seemed amused.
    "Already expecting Willowbounce? You would be a resilient kit-maker for Deathclan. Lets go!" He said, grabbing her by the scruff and attempting to drag her towards the camp entrance. She kicked and thrashed, hissing and cuffing at the tom. I would never join you fox hearts! And I'm a Dark Forest cat! I most certainly won't be one of your 'kit-makers'! Willowbounce thought as she managed to flip herself around to face Stripeback's chest. She unsheathed her claws and began to slash at it fiercely. He dropped her in alarm and sudden pain. She saw him bleed, the blood flowing out of the gash she had created.
    "You mangy she-cat! You're coming with Deathclan!" He yowled. Stripeback was about to lunge at her but was knocked off course by Birdclaw and Icefoot, who had teamed up against the warrior.
    "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER YOU FLEA- RIDDEN TRAITOR!" Icefoot yowled as he latched on to the toms back and started clawing at his ears. Birdclaw was running around him, nipping at the warriors paws at random points to try and bring him down. Willowbounce fought to her paws and tried to run in the direction of her bush. As she weakly ran, Toothpaw tried to attack her. She spun around to face him and slashed at his muzzle. He dodged and pinned her down.
    "I know what you did Willowbounce. You killed Direpaw! I watched you do it! He was going to be a fine warrior in our ranks but you killed him!" He yowled furiously as he swiped at her face and throat.
Willowbounce raised a paw, it's large claws slightly already tainted with Stripeback's blood, and swiped Toothpaw across the face. He jumped back and off her in alarm. Willowbounce was able to roll over and get to her paws. She padded quickly towards the medicine den instead.  As she passed by the nursery, Willowbounce saw a greenish-gray pelt laying on the ground with blood beginning to pool from her. Oh no..She thought. That cat was undoubtedly Leaffall. Poor Shadedkit and his littermates..I hope one of the queens takes care of the-! Willowbounce's trail of thought was cut off as she felt an immense pain in her belly. Her mouth dropped open as she doubled over in pain. Unable to yowl for help as she crouched over, Willowbounce assumed the worst. EITHER I'M DYING OR I'M GIVING BIRTH! She thought. She felt the pain waver, and took the opportunity to run as fast as she could go to the medicine cat den. She felt another shock of pain rush through her as she appeared through the brambles. Grunting in immense pain, Willowbounce collapsed. Nestleberry rushed over to her and quickly dragged her to one of the nests.
"Okay Willowbounce! You are going to give birth right now!" Nestleberry said in a higher pitched voice. She's got to be nervous from all the Deathclan cats out there, there was also the chance one of our own clanmates could find out what was happening. Willowbounce thought, the pain passing for a moment.
"We need to get these kits out quickly, before anyone sees, or they get hurt. Here, bite this." Nestleberry said, giving her a stick to bite on. Willowbounce latched on and broke the stick immediately as she felt another wave of pain wash over her. She took one of the broken parts in her mouth, so Nestleberry wouldn't have to get her another one. Willowbounce took a deep breath and pushed with all her might.
"Wow! Great job Willowbounce! First kit already out!" She said, nipping her kit's sac open and taking the first one out. She placed the small bundle of fur at Willowbounce's side. She turned to see her new kit. It was all black with little white spots covering her.
"I-I'll call this one Darkkit." She said weakly. Willowbounce yowled in pain as another rush of pain went through her. Nestleberry nodded. Willowbounce gave another huge push, using what little energy she had left.
"Very good Willowbounce! Last kit out!" Nestleberry said. Willowbounce heaved a sigh of relief. She frowned for a moment, thinking about her mate. I wish Icefoot could've been here..I really hope he's ok! She thought. Willowbounce limply turned her head to face her newborn kits. Darkkit was suckling and the other kit was just being put down.
"It's a tom." Nestleberry mewed. He was a gray-blue like Icefoot, but much lighter. He had darker gray-blue flecks covering him. It reminds me of a rain storm..She thought.
"I'll name the tom Stormkit.." She said, her head plopping down at her paws. Nestleberry seemed to motion to a cat near the back of the den, one Willowbounce didn't notice was there until now. It was Mountainpaw. He padded out of the darkness, his eyes watching Willowbounce with great interest.
"Those are beautiful names, Willowbounce. Welcome Darkkit and Stormkit!" She mewed as she started to groom Darkkit. Mountainpaw, who was the medicine cat apprentice now, padded up behind her and started to lick Stormkit clean.
"T-Thank you Netsleberry so much.." Willowbounce murmured, absolutely exhausted from giving birth. Nestleberry chuckled.
"It's our job Willowbounce! But we always enjoy a nice thank you. So, your welcome." She said. Willowbounce rested her head on her paws as she listened to the sound of fighting cats outside the den. Suddenly they went silent. What? She thought, lifting her head. Nestleberry and Mountainpaw lifted their heads as well.
"Deathclan shall leave Thunderclan and the lake, forever!" The voice of Shadedkit called out. His voice had pain behind it, it was clear for her to hear. Shadedkit be careful! She silently prayed. She heard the cats in the clearing erupt into laughter. Willowbounce flattened her ears. Mangy, fox hearted fools! Was what she would've hissed if she was out there.
"Leave!" She heard him growl, his voice just barely heard above the cackles of Deathclan.
"Or else what? You gonna play fight us to death?" She heard Stripeback taunt him, the cackles erupting again. Willowbounce felt anger seeth beneath her pelt. That's it, he's dead! She thought, about to get to her paws. She was stopped when she heard the kit wail.
"LEAVE!" He yowled with the force of a leader. Willowbounce widened her eyes. Starclan is with you, Shadedkit. She thought.
"Fine, we'll leave. For now." Bloodclaw, presumably Bloodstar now, said. Willowbounce heard many paws retreating the clearing. Then she heard gasps.
"Bravestar!" Strongstripe yowled in horror.

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