Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

    Willowbounce padded away from her apprentice after telling him his first training lesson will be tomorrow. She saw him in the corner of her eye pad over to the apprentice den to rest. Willowbounce turned her head to walk forward but was met face to face with Birdclaw.
"O-Oh! Hi, Birdclaw." She said, stammering a bit in surprise.
"H-Hi Willowbounce! Would you, um, like to go out on a hunting patrol with me tomorrow?" He asked. Willowbounce recalled that she would be busy training with Shadedpaw tomorrow.
"Sorry, I would, but I told Shadedpaw that I was going to take him out training." She said. He seemed a bit disappointed.
"Oh..ok.." He said. Willowbounce turned to walk away in the direction of the sunning rocks. Shadedpaws fur caught her attention in the corner of her eye. I can already tell he's gonna be one to listen. She thought. As she passed the high ledge, Willowbounce noticed Icefoots gaze looking behind her where she had been standing. He was glaring. She swung her head to see Birdclaw standing there looking sheepishly in his direction. I don't wanna be anywhere in that...She thought, padding quicker over to the sunning rocks. She laid herself down on the highest rock on the stack, almost on the high ledge. She soaked up the hot sunlight in her fur, sleep lapping behind her eyes. Willowbounce yawned as she fell asleep.

Icefoot flicked his tail, beckoning Birdclaw over to him with his tail. He held his gaze with slitted eyes, giving him a stern glare. He waited until Willowbounce was out of sight, wanting to make sure she wouldn't see their squabble. Birdclaw padded up to him with his head lowered and his tail dragging behind him.
"Sit down." Icefoot said, still holding his gaze as he signaled next to him with his tail. Birdclaw sat down a little further than Icefoot had wanted.
"Come closer, I won't bite." He said, forcing his voice to not be angry. Birdclaw seemed surprised at his calm tone, and scooted himself a bit closer to Icefoot. Icefoot turned his head to look directly at the tom, though he was a bit shorter than him, so he had to look down. Only makes me seem more threatening...good. Icefoot wanted to make sure Birdclaw got the message that he needed to stop messing with Willowbounce. Birdclaw met his gaze with a glare but it died away when he saw Icefoots threatening stare.
"What in the name of Starclan are you trying to do Birdclaw?! You know very well that me and Willowbounce are mates!" He snarled in a whisper.
"T-That's not going to stop me! I love her Icefoot, and I want her!" He retorted. Icefoot flicked his tail in annoyance. If only you knew we already had kits! He thought.
"You look like you're hiding something Icefoot..what is it?" He asked. Icefoot thought for a moment.
"That's none of your business, Birdclaw. Keep your paws away from Willowbounce, and we'll be on good it?" He said, trying to dismiss the tom.
Birdclaw glared at him, then walked away. Icefoot sighed and looked up from his place under the high ledge. He thought nobody had been watching, but he thought he caught a glimpse of black fur from the apprentice den. This made him mrrow quietly to himself. Shadedpaw will be trained right by Willowbounce..I know it. He thought. Getting up, Icefoot gave his paw a few licks before padding over to the fresh-kill pile. He picked a scrawny mouse and brought it back under the high ledge. He settled down into a comfortable position and began to tuck into it. Icefoot couldn't help but feel that something was terribly off. Ever since the battle with Deathclan I can't shake the feeling that something is watching me...He thought. Looking up, he saw that his clanmates were either sharing tongues, sleeping, talking or other casual tasks. No one was staring at him. After finishing his mouse Icefoot padded out of camp, deciding he wanted to go for a walk to clear his thoughts. As the thorn tunnel opened up to the warm, green forest, Icefoot instantly felt better. He took a deep breath, letting the scent of fresh air, healthy foliage and the distant scent of prey fill his senses. He turned his paws towards the Windclan border and began to walk that way.
Padding through the break in the trees that opened up to the border, Icefoot glanced up and down the stream. He didn't see any sign of a border patrol or even a hunting patrol. He started to pad upstream, towards he and Willowbounce's willow. Once he reached the large tree, he pushed through it's long, leafy tendrils to reach the inside of its cover. Under the tendrils, warm sunlight passed through, which made the perfect resting spot. Icefoot curled up near the trees' trunk, sunlight grazing over his fur, and fell asleep.
"Didn't think you'd ever see me again, would you Icefoot?" Icefoots eyes swung open at the familiar voice. In front of him stood Direpaw looking down on him. He noticed he now had a red outline. Springing to his paws, Icefoot snarled.
"How are you here Direpaw!?" He said, his tail whipping back and forth nervously. The tom chuckled, his one good ear flicking up in amusement and his claws flexing in and out. Icefoot noticed now that Direpaw's eyes were completely black with the pupils being the same yellow his eyes were, accompanied by a small slit in the middle of the orbs representing a pupil of sorts. Direpaw had a large, black gash on his neck. It didn't look like fur, but...empty. The spot where his ear had been torn off was stained with a black substance, possibly remnants of blood from the day the injury occured. His paws and lower legs were filthy and caked in dirt and mud. His new appearance was slightly unsettling to Icefoot.
"I told you, Willowbounce would never get a day of peace since we became apprentices. And I'm sticking to that promise!" He said. Icefoots pupils shrank in anger.
"You better leave her alone Direpaw! Remember that you're still an apprentice since that's what you died as, so I'm stronger than you!" He snarled. Icefoot felt his claws slide out of their sheaths, their tips hooking into the ground. Direpaw chuckled.
"Of course you are Icefoot! But, you don't have the skills of a Dark Forest cat!" He snarled. Direpaw flicked his tail and Icefoot's vision went black. He opened them quickly when he felt the sensation he was falling. Flipping through the air, everything was black around him. Icefoot's heart pounded in his chest, fear ripping through him. He landed with a thud in the middle of a clearing in a cave. The only light was coming through holes in the top of the cave, and the entrance. But yet, he could still see. There were cats all around him, but none seemed to notice him. Icefoot weakly got to his paws, the breath knocked out of him. He saw Bloodstar sitting on a tall rock at the back of the clearing, his sharp gaze raking the camp. Around the camp were designated dens for a normal clan. An apprentice den, a medicine den, a warrior's den, even a leaders den, nursery and elders den! Icefoot had managed to catch his breath as he looked around. He saw Blackwing, who was half blinded from the fight in Thunderclan, sitting under Bloodstars rock. He must be the deputy...Icefoot thought. Stripeback was laying on a flat rock nearby Icefoot. The tom had a slash across his muzzle from when Icefoot had attacked him, saving his mate. He snarled at seeing the tom looking so content. Turning back to face Bloodstar, he looked right into his eyes. Icefoot gasped as he was seemingly thrown from his body into his. His vision went black for a moment, then when he opened his eyes he was staring down at a young Willowbounce. His paws were black and he felt taller. Am I in Bloodstars body!? This has to be one of his memories...Icefoot thought. Willowbounce, presumably Willowpaw at this time judging by her size, was staring up at him with fear in her eyes.
"Useless apprentice! Why did Bravestar not make you a medicine cat! You're so mouse-brained!" He snarled. Icefoot felt as though he was speaking. No, no, no! Stop! Willowpaw isn't useless, she's amazing! He thought, trying to stop Bloodstar. Willowpaw's eyes were downcast, her self esteem being washed away like water at the lakeshore.
"I'm sorry Bloodclaw...I'll try better next time.." She murmured. Icefoot had never seen nor heard Willowpaw be this pitiful and sad. He was astonished. Don't listen to him Willowpaw! He's useless, not you! He tried to yowl but he couldn't. Bloodstar raised an unsheathed paw at her and swiped her across her shoulder. She cried out in pain as blood trickled out of her wound and she collapsed to the ground. STOP IT! STOP IT NOW! Icefoot silently screamed. His gaze went black again, then reopened to Icefoot being back in his own body. He was panting and he was practically shaking with anger. He looked up at Bloodstar and snarled at him.
"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER?!" Icefoot yowled at him. No one, not even Bloodstar heard him. Icefoot snarled and flicked his tail.
"What is this Direpaw?! Some sort of game? It's not funny!" He growled spinning around in a circle, his gaze searching in all directions for the tom.
"It's no game Icefoot. This is Deathclan camp. And what you just saw was one of Bloodstar's memories. But we're not done yet.." He said, appearing in front of him. Icefoot's vision went black again and he woke up in his nest in the warriors den after hearing a yowl of terror. Looking next to him, Willowbounce wasn't beside him. He looked in the direction the yowl came from and his jaw dropped. Willowbounce laid there, fatally wounded at her neck, deep scratch marks covering her shoulders and hind legs. He felt tears rush to his eyes and he scrambled to his paws. I remember this dream, I had it when I was a kit! He recalled as he bounded over to her body. As he was about to reach her, the ground fell away beneath him and he was falling. Icefoot yowled in terror as he hit the ground, his vision blanking out again. He woke up in the same heartbeat in his place beneath the willow tree. Panting heavily, Icefoot looked up cautiously, afraid any movement could send him falling into a never ending blackness yet again. He saw nothing peculiar, just the sun rays peeking through the leafy tendrils of the willow and the soft sound of water gurgling downstream. Icefoots breathing slowed, and he calmed down.
"Don't forget about me Icefoot. I'm always watching..." Direpaws voice whispered in his head, followed by a maniacal cackle. Icefoots pupils were still slited with fear as he got to his paws shakily. It seemed to be sundown now, so he began to pad back in the direction of camp. I feel like I didn't sleep at all...hopefully tonight I can sleep well...He thought.
Padding in through the thorn tunnel, he was put at ease by seeing his clanmates and hearing the usual calm chatter of their voices. He sighed, his muscles relaxing as he padded in the camp. He saw Willowbounce sitting on one of the sunning rocks, gazing up at the sky. He quickly bounded over to the rocks, carefully placing his paws so he wouldn't slip as he slid up the stack like a snake. Finally reaching the spot beside her, he sat down.
"Hey Willowbounce, you get a good rest?" He said. She turned to face him, her ears perking. Apparently she hadn't noticed he was there. She smiled seeing him.
"Yeah, I slept great! And where have you been?" She asked, cocking her head.
"I went out for a walk, and I took a nap by our tree." He said. Willowbounce grinned warmly.
"Glad I wasn't the only one who wanted a rest." She paused, then said, "Icefoot, are you ok? What is that stuff on your muzzle?" She asked. Icefoot cocked his head in confusion. He raised a paw to his muzzle and felt a liquid. He touched his paw pad to it so he could have a better look at it. He gasped and his eyes widened in alarm when he recognized it was blood on his muzzle.
"Icefoot, that's blood!" She murmured. Icefoot desperately searched his mind for a time when blood could've splattered his muzzle. Then he remembered his dream. Is this blood from when Bloodstar slashed her shoulder!? He thought in a panic.Willowbounce was gazing into his eyes and saw his fear and confusion.
"It's ok Icefoot, calm down...Let me look and see if you cut yourself on accident." She said, scooting closer to him, so her paws were practically on top of his. She examined his muzzle closely, and Icefoot stayed perfectly still.
"Oh, you did cut yourself Icefoot! You have a slash on your muzzle." She said. Icefoot calmed down, but anxiety creeped at his spine. I must've cut myself when I was dreaming..Thank Starclan that wasn't her blood...He sighed in relief.
"Come on, we'll have Nestleberry take a look at that..and we can see our kits!" She said and nuzzled his chest. Icefoot smiled and felt himself begin to melt into a blush as he stood to follow her. Everything is okay...He thought with relief.

Padding into the medicine den, Icefoot thought, I'm not going to tell Willowbounce about my dream until I get the chance to be alone with her, I don't want to stir up a panic.... Icefoot heard Willowbounce call to their kits, who were bigger now, soon to be in the nursery within the next moon. Instead of Nestleberry being in the den, it was Mountainpaw.
"Greetings Willowbounce, Icefoot." The tom said dipping his head to each of them in turn.
"Greetings." He and her both said at the same time. Stormkit and Darkkit were standing in front of the medicine cat apprentice.
"Hi Willowbounce, hi Icefoot!" The two said, dipping their heads and standing straight. Icefoot pricked his ears.
"I've been teaching them to be formal!" Mountainpaw chimed. Icefoot purred with amusement and pride, while Willowbounce purred too.
"Greetings Stormkit and Darkkit." Willowbounce murmured. Darkkit looked up at her mother, her eyes glowing with praise.
"So, what's wrong? Or are you just coming to spend time with your kits?" Mounainpaw asked. Before he could speak, Willowbounce spoke for him.
"Icefoot cut his own muzzle in his sleep." She said. Mountainpaw's eyes glanced at his muzzle. He stepped closer, signaling with his tail for the kits to step away. Icefoot saw in the corner of his eye Stormkit and Darkkit going over to sit with Willowbounce, blocking the entrance of the den. Mountainpaw had apparently finished checking out his wound and was heading to the shelves that held herbs. He shuffled through them for a moment, then came padding back with marigold in his jaws. He sat in front of Icefoot and began to chew up the marigold into a poultice. Icefoot waited patiently, towering over the tom from where he sat. Once he was done, Mountainpaw took some of the poultice in his paw and began to rub it into the scratch on his muzzle. It stung for a moment, but the pain faded.
"Thanks Mountainpaw." Icefoot said after he moved his paw away from his muzzle. Mountainpaw dipped his head before putting the leftover herbs away. Icefoot stood and stretched.
"Good job, Icefoot!" Stormkit mewed. Icefoot couldn't help but mrrow in amusement.
"Thank you Stormkit." He said. Willowbounce got to her paws and signaled with her tail that they would be leaving now.
"Thank you so much, Mountainpaw!" Willowbounce said as she began to leave the den. The apprentice dipped his head in respect. Their kits ran to the back of the den, and Icefoot followed Willowbounce out.

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