Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

    Willowkit sighed as the clans started to move out to continue the long trek to new territory. As they continued through the mountains, Willowkit thought she could smell something other than rock and dirt. She parted her jaws as she walked to scent better. Is that...trees?! Willowkit was sure she could smell the scent of wood and newly formed foliage.
    "Icekit! I smell trees!" She said eagerly to him. Icekit pricked his ears and scented the air.
    "Your right Willowkit! I smell them too!" He said. He looked at her with excitement and a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
    "Well don't just stand there, lets go!" He said taking off into the group to push to the front. Willowkit took off after him, full of energy. As she pushed through the warriors and apprentices and queens, she heard them ask questions.
    "Why are you running?"
    "Is there danger?"
    "Let's follow them, maybe they scent something!"
Soon, Willowkit heard paw steps behind her and Icekit, so they began to pick up pace. Soon all of the clans were running with them, chasing a kit's scent. As they moved swiftly across the path, the ground began to slope downward. Ahead there were hills, a lot of hills. As they came to the bottom of the mountain, the clans slowed to a halt.
    "I can't believe it! It's moorland!" Jumpstar exclaimed.
    "Yeah but there's no forests." Bravestar said.
    "And no pines." Lizardstar grumbled.
    "And no water!" Scalestar said. Willowkit saw the leaders begin to glare at one another, their muscles tensing.
    "Wait! Why don't we keep going? Maybe there are trees beyond the hills." Strongstripe, Thunderclan's deputy, said, stepping up to Bravestar. He nodded.
    "My deputy makes a good point. We should keep going." Bravestar said. We're all so sick of travelling that our leaders need a voice of reason..Willowkit thought. So with that, the clans started to move through the hills, relieved to have grass under their paws again.

    Soon the clans came to the end of the hills, which opened up to a huge lake. It's surface glistened and danced in the setting sunlight. Around the lake, there were pines, moorland, rivers and a huge forest. Willowkit knew the clans had found their new home. Suddenly she felt fur brush her shoulder as she watched in amazement with the rest of the clans. She tore her gaze away to look beside her. Icekit was the cat she saw standing next to her, so close their pelts brushed. She smiled and, daringly, rested her head on his shoulder. She felt Icekit turn his head to look at her. She blushed harshly when Icekit licked her ears. She gave his shoulder a few licks in return.
    "Cats of all clans! We have found our new territory!" Bravestar announced, walking to the front of all the cats with the other leaders. The cats erupted into yowls of excitement.
    "Indeed we have. There are appropriate territories for all clans around this lake, and an obvious source of water." Scalestar said after the yowls had died down.
    "Shadowclan will be leaving now to head to the pine area. Shadowclan, let's go!" Lizardstar said. The Shadowclan cats separated from the other clans and started to pad along the lakeshore towards the pines. Willowkit watched them leave, still leaning partially on Icekit.
    "Riverclan will be off this way now. I saw some rivers over there and I will be making my claim of territory." Scalestar said. Riverclan began to stalk away from the group in the direction of the rivers that streamed down into the lake. Jumpstar walked over to Bravestar, and Willowkit strained to listen.
    "Thank you for all your help on this journey Bravestar. You're a true friend." Jumpstar said. Bravestar said something in return but it was too quiet for Willowkit to hear. The two leaders turned to face their clans.
    "Thunderclan, since there seems to be little room in the other areas around the lake for Skyclan, we will give up a portion of our territory for them." Bravestar said, glancing in Pebblestars direction and dipping his head.
    "And Windclan will stay here on the moor!" She heard Jumpstar say to his clan as Thunderclan and Skyclan padded into the trees. We finally found our home. A brand new home, a brand new start. Willowkit thought.

    When Thunderclan and Skyclan reached what seemed to be the center of the forest, the two leaders spoke to each other, their heads turned away from their clans. Willowkit's watching was interrupted by Birdkit bouncing over to her and tackling her. She grunted in surprise when they tumbled together on the forest floor, still frozen from leafbare. When they finally stopped tumbling, Birdkit stood over her, keeping her pinned to the ground. She felt immense heat emit from him and his pupils seemed to shrink in embarrassment.
    "Heh, Heheh!  S-Sorry Willowkit! I probably scared you..But wanna play fight?" Birdkit said. His ears were out at the sides in embarrassment, and Willowkit couldn't help but mrrow a little bit in amusement.
    "Sure Birdkit!" Willowkit said. The sunset light passed through the trees, warming the hard ground and causing their fur to be edged with sunlight. When Willowkit saw the light hit Birdkits face, she saw his orange eyes sparkle with emotion, his fur sharply outlined with sunlight that gave off a similar glow to his eye color. She wondered what she looked like. Birdkit  stepped off her, allowing for their game to begin. Willowkit got to her paws and stood stanced in the sunlight, imagining she looked like the bravest and fiercest warrior the clans would ever see! She arched her neck a little and stood tall on her legs. She had the chance to gaze down at her paws, seeing the orange sunlight outline her white paws, dark gray striped wrists and light gray forelegs. She could imagine sunlight cutting into her ice-blue eyes, sharpening her gaze. Birdkit's stance was more balanced and poised to spring. He lowered himself to the ground and launched himself at her. Willowkit, not yet knowing how to react attempted to duck, but to no avail Birdkit landed on her back. She felt him swiping at her back legs trying to knock her off balance. Willowkit wouldn't have it. She leaped up into the air, but only a mouse length, since she wasn't used to the extra weight on her back. She felt that it knocked Birdkit off balance though. Birdkit hung on, gripping to her sides with his paws. Willowkit leaped up again, higher this time. She had known to brace the extra weight. She felt Birdkit fall off her back and heard him hit the ground. She spun around and jumped on him, pinning him under her paws. Birdkit tried to cuff at her ears and batted at her belly with his hind legs. Willowkit cuffed him over the ears. He managed to push Willowkit back on her hind paws. She braced against him, they were both standing on their hind legs, batting at each other. Willowkit missed a blow and accidentally fell forward into Birdkit, her body unable to stay balanced. Birdkit fell back in surprise, taking her with him. As he hit the ground, Willowkit fell onto his chest fur, her muzzle just barely touching his. She felt herself blush in embarrassment as well as him, but his seemed to be more intense. She tried her best to scoot herself off him as quick as she could, not wanting to stay there. When she sat back off him, he sprung to his paws, his eyes filled with an emotion Willowkit couldn't identify.
    "Thanks for playing W-Willowkit! Yo-Your an awesome fighter!" Birdkit squeaked. He then bounded off into the group of cats. Willowkit washed her fur momentarily, ridding any debris from it. She pricked her ears when Bravestar raised his voice among the many voices of Thunderclan and Skyclan.
    "Alright Thunderclan, me and Pebblestar have discussed territory arrangements and we have reached an agreement." He said, his gaze holding the attention of every cat in the mixed group.
    "Skyclan will have this half of the forest." Pebblestar said, pointing with her tail to the side of the forest that faced Shadowclan. Thank Starclan we won't have to deal with those mangy furballs... Willowkit thought, remembering Shadowclan's hostile tendencies.
    "And Thunderclan will be taking up this side of the forest." Bravestar said pointing with his tail to the opposite side of the forest, which faced Windclan territory.
    "Then with that, Thunderclan, let's find an area for camp." Bravestar said. The Thunderclan cats, including Willowkit, separated themselves from Skyclan and started to trot off into the woods.

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